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Reviews for Ship in a Bottle

By : EvilE
  • From Arraya on September 14, 2007
    I can't imagine how this can be even better than its first part, but it is. Yeah something's up with Mary...I remember the conversation after Jack first showed up on her ship. something's fishy with that girl, and our smartie Lizzy senses it! You are such a wonderful writer...I hope that, IF Mary doesn't turn out to be an evil psycho of some sort, that maybe, her and Lizziebeth will decide to switch places so Mary can have Will and Lizzie can be with Jack....I love how Jack caught on to the switch right away...I am not surprised that Will didn't....I have to rant and rave some more about your talent now, even though I probably said the same thing in another review already! I have NEVER read a fic where the author wrote Jack's speech and thoughts as well as you!! YOU ARE THE BEST IN THIS! And what an imagination for original adventures!! Other worlds, where things are similar but different!! I have an account on fanfiction, and in my profile I have only 6 stories listed as the best I have ever read out of about 500. Today, I am adding you to this list. I love you! thank you again for sharing your talent and making my entire week wonderful!! Although I am sad that when I am finished with your stories, that I will have to resign myself to relentlessly and probably fruitlessly searching for another story that actually touches me and makes my senses go all screwy. They are few and far in between, you know. Please feel free to check out my profile on fanfiction, because I want you to see the list of other great stories, and check them out if you haven't already read them. The name's Arraya. Please don't read my horribly amateur, corny story. It will be a waste of your time. I am going to try again, and hopefully I'll do better this time around. Thanks again for the utter happiness you have provided me!!!
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  • From tinamonic on March 18, 2007
    This is a fantastic srory! Please post the rest onm this site! I'll visist your live journal site and read the rest! This story is so unique and very addictive! It's the best I've ever read! Great job!
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  • From ANON - Gretchen on March 14, 2007
    Where is the rest of the story? It's really good!
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  • From ANON - freelke on March 11, 2007
    Please send me a link to the rest of this story. I love it. I looked on you rlive journal but I couldnt find all of it. Thanks you for taking the time to write this great story
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  • From ANON - DarkPirate on December 07, 2006
    I just found your fic earlier today. Beautiful. I really love it and hope to read more of it. ^ _ ^ I love Sparrow/Swann fics..
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  • From ANON - Anissa on October 06, 2006
    Oh, for pity's sake, update already! *whines* This has to be one of the most engaging series of stories I've ever read, fanfiction or not. You're way with words is just... well, it's like magic set to page. Your love scenes are hot, your story enthralling, and your characterization is spot on! I keep coming back here, hoping to see chapter 23, but no such luck yet.

    You have at least one fan waiting upon baited breath for you to update, so please do so?

    - Anissa
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  • From ANON - Linda on October 04, 2006
    Ship in a Bottle is a fantastic story! I absolutely love it. I even love the Will/Lady E action, and I am no fan of Will's. I just can't seem to get enough of the truly great dialogue, especially between Jack and Elizabeth, and you yrite it really well. I discovered this story today, and I read all 22 chapters immediately, just couldn't bring myself to stop reading. Please update soon, I'll be waiting!
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  • From ANON - Ash on August 31, 2006
    im hooked. i cant wait until there is more for me to read! i have been coming across more and more stories that i like on this site, and saying that each one is the best of them all, but i truly believe that this is the best one. definitely number uno on my list. i was in love with Evil Lady E, and thought that nothing could top it (especially the mixture of pain and pleasure)and now you have done it again with this one. i couldnt believe how "into" the story i got... i was having dreams about it...weird huh? lol (of course i replaced myself with Elizabeth on it in order to fantasize about Johnny Depp! hehe) but yeah, this story was amazing. im really looking forward to reading the rest of it. i have never looked on this site every day to see when the next update of a story was going to be, but these two stories that you have written have actually made me do it. i couldnt believe it! lmao. keep writing, and ill keep reading!
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  • From ANON - Anon on August 24, 2006
    Please update soon. This story is amazing.
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  • From ANON - Madamx on August 22, 2006
    I love all of your stories, including this one! Please post the rest soon!
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  • From ANON - Anon on August 22, 2006
    I love this. It's like I'm watching a movie. You're writing brings everything to life, as corny as that sounds.
    Please update soon
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  • From ANON - jadexms on August 21, 2006
    Another great chapter, and hot. Why do I like Will better with "E". Because she brings out the forceful side in him? I'm almost as into that pairing as J/E right now...and that's saying a lot. Thanks for writing.
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  • From ANON - Anon on August 19, 2006
    Please update soon, this is so entertaining I'm loving it.
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  • From ANON - Jadexms on August 19, 2006
    Wonderfully written, as all your others. This story has really hooked me, all your different dimensions, different versions of Elizabeth. Very imaginative. Looking forward to the rest.
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  • From ANON - DollyHaze on August 18, 2006
    I love it so very, very much. Please update as soon as you can deary.
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