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Reviews for WobblyLegged RumSwilling Pirates

By : srkier
  • From Jacksfavoritewench on July 09, 2008
    I loved this story! Very entertaining and exciting! You write beautifully, keep up the good work!

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  • From Arraya on January 28, 2008!
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  • From LizzieSwan on November 22, 2007
    Aaaah! Incredible! I LOVE IT! Amazing, it's great,deary! Ohh I'm overwhelmd with delighte! No word's to tell how much i liked it!
    PP:By the way i faund that peice of heaven by starting to read "Moments in the Life of Jack and Lizzie Sparrow" so now I'm gona read it and tell ya what i think, luv.
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  • From briarlily on October 30, 2007
    So cute!
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  • From akathetoad on July 01, 2007
    Aww it was all precious and fluffy! Sometimes I just need some nice fluff to keep my poor heart from breaking at the hypercynically realistic word. I've decided that's a word now. Hush it's fine. Whew sorry, 6:15 am and I haven't been to bed yet. Got all caught up with your story. And all the ones I read previous. (I maintain resolutely that sleep is only for the very weak and I haven't any tolerance at all for it). But I very much enjoyed your story and found the title charming. And you managed to make Will tolerable. Usually in a Jack/Lizzie fic (and it's the only kind that should be written!) I simply want someone to do away with the poor lad. It's a relief to find him already done in. He just gets in the way and he's so very often CONTROLLING! Arse! But he wasn't a bloody dimwit this time and I could even find it in me to be happy that he didn't meet a most unpleasant end. It's just such a relief when a story goes the way I'd like it to. You were absolutely right. I don't care even a smidgen how they save him as long as he gets saved. I was EXTREMELY displeased by Elizabeth's hasty condemning of him in DMC...also that hissy she threw on the beach bugged me too, but we'll not get into that. I've yet to see World's End (slightly afraid to fuel the obsession and bitter disappointments.) but I can't imagine it'll go as pleasingly as your story. Cripes, I've written you a novel here. Very much enjoyed it and I'll be looking for more.

    -Ray the decidedly Wicked. (Yeah...I decided. heh.)
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  • From ANON - Lisa on November 16, 2006
    This was a VERY good fic. It was well written and descriptive. I like how you started with Jack already being brought back from the depths because you are correct. I don't care how he is saved as long as he IS saved. I enjoyed how Lizzie couldn't say Jack's name until she was completed frustrated with him, and Jack's reactions to her crying spells were also amusing. I like how Lizzie wanted to see and explore Jack's scars. That was a sensual moment. Jack's "fair is fair" to her was cute. I really like his hesitance to undress her for fear of doing something she wasn't ready for yet. The scene where Lizzie confesses her love for Jack in a long-winded rant is quite amusing as is Jack's silly excuse-filled rant where he attempts to tell her to forget him. I really like how you have Lizzie make a clean break from Will before she goes any further with Jack. I prefer it when writers do this, but few do. Like you, I think Will "deserves better". The consummation of Jack and Lizzie's love was sweet and sexy. I like how you depicted the pain of the first time and Jack's concern for her. I LOVE the scene after their lovemaking when Jack's worried about "crushin'" Lizzie, his teasing her about calling him "Captain" after she's got him into bed, and especially his backward (but adorable) proposal. The latter is my favorite moment because it's there that Lizzie realizes that Jack truly loves her. The epilogue is good too because it gives the reader a glimpse into Will's life after Lizzie. I do HATE the fact that Lizzie can't bear Jack any children. That's the only bad moment in an otherwise VERY entertaining fic. I look forward to the next piece from you.
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  • From Caisha on September 18, 2006
    oh god you are a great writer, and fecking younger than me too! *cries* ....sigh...well you are a fantastic writer, up their with published authors, better than some of them at that! your story is fantastic too, i can't wait to read all your stories! Keep on writer, you're fantastic!
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  • From Caisha on September 18, 2006
    oh my dearest giddy god! you are cruel! cruel dammit! i was all getting into it, thinking YAY finally someone is going to make them have sex...and then!! but you are the best writer that i have encountered so far! far far far better than myself! and as such, am willing to not throw the computer across the room in fustration, but press on! You are a wonderful writer, and i hope you will continue to write more stories.
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  • From ANON - anonymous on August 26, 2006
    i really enjoyed this story. it was the best one that ive read tonight in my "midnight reading session". please continue to write more.
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  • From ANON - Naomi on August 21, 2006
    Wow. Great story! I loved it! You need to write more. Thank you for spot on characterization! Have you written any Spike/Buffy fic? Mmmm gotta love our tough outter shell marshmellow inside boys. Yay for Jack and Spike. Please write more, love your style!
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  • From ANON - Kristina on August 20, 2006
    Wow... GREAT STORY! u need to sell it to disney so they can make a 4th POtC!!!! U R Awsome! LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!! WRITE MORE!!!! Jack wants ya to!!!!!! Do it!! lol!
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  • From ANON - Sara on August 15, 2006
    very good story, well written
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  • From ANON - shatteredmind on August 13, 2006
    What a fun epilogue! Enjoyed it.
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  • From ANON - Firework on August 11, 2006
    Go on... be a darling and give us an epilogue.
    It'd please so many of us, and if there is no epilogue, get writing another POTC fic!
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  • From ANON - knit wear on August 10, 2006
    aw, bless. that was really sweet. even if it is the last chapter, we can't persuade you for a sequal perhpas? no? just a little one?
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