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Reviews for Plundering of the Heart

By : Hippiechick7897
  • From ANON - Shamora on July 25, 2006
    Really love to see a fellow Norrington fan. Like the characterization (please disregard my spelling) but your history is somewhat off. The story would be perfect if you just put in a little more historical detail, like finding what insults they would have used then, instead of prick or jerk. Other than that, great story, can't wait for more!
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  • From ANON - elendilsheart on July 24, 2006
    I like the story. It intrugues me. I do hope you won't give up on it or anything. Though I do have some other comments, I can't think of them right now lol. I'll comment again later....
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  • From ANON - Anon on July 23, 2006
    Great chapter way to go with the cliff hanger. I like how this is going and thanks for still writting it and so soon which is even better. I really hate when authors take several weeks or months to write one page I tend to loose interest. Thanks for a good story.
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  • From ANON - Lizabeth on July 23, 2006
    First of all, I love this story. I think I already said that, but if I haven't, there you go.

    Second, I hope you don't mind a little - hopefully - constructive criticism. There are a few grammatical errors, mostly ones I find typical of fanfiction. They don't necessarily take away from the story in anyway, but nevertheless. For example you wrote: “My pendant!” She exclaimed. The "She" should be lower case, unless her exclamation is something other than what is in the quotations. As I said, this doesn't really take away from the story, so if you decided to continue on in that fashion, so be it, it wouldn't bother me that much.

    Next, I think there were a few too many clichés in that last part of chapter four. I enjoy them immensely (that's why I'm on this site after all) but, they still make cringe in that that-was-a-little-cheesy kind of way. I'm not entirely sure you can do anything about that, as romance novels tend to all follow this pattern, but maybe tone it down a tad. By clichés I mean mostly the metaphors and similes. Also, then you get things like this if you are not careful: "She stopped directly in front of him, stood on *tip toe* and wrapped her arms around his neck before *lowering* her lips to his." That seems like a rather awkward action.

    Lastly (I promise) it seems like Norrington is succumbing a little too quickly, especially given how "straighten up and fly right" he is in the first movie. I don't disagree at all with your characterization of him on the whole, that's really just my opinion.

    In conclusion, because I appear to need one, I love your story; I will definitely be back for more (assuming there is more to come - which I hope there is)!
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  • From ANON - ....... on July 23, 2006
    Just wanted to let you know that this is a really good story.I plan to come back and reading the rest. Please finish the story since its so good and I would hate for it to not have an ending. Also I just wanted thank you for writting one that made him straight. Its about time someone wrote one where he isn't gay. You are doing a great job on how he is as a navey man and how his emotions sometimes get out of control. I saw that in both the movies when I watched. He would sometimes drop the mask of just being a man on duty and following rules to someone who actualy had emotion going on inside of him. That he really cared about Elizabeth and it hurt to see her go with someone else. I also like the whole new character thing too that it doesn't have Will or Elizabeth in it or Jack. I like them but to just know something about the Commodore is really cool even if its from your point of view.

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  • From allegra on July 23, 2006
    wow, sounds quite interesting so far. Keep it up. Not nearly enough stories about Norrington out there and this is a good one.
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  • From ANON - Lizabeth on July 21, 2006
    I absolutely love it! I can't wait for more!
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  • From ANON - Hope on July 20, 2006
    YOu have a talent for writting a really good romantic story. I am desperately hoping that you will see it through the end, please.

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  • From ANON - ThisIsGreenDay on July 20, 2006
    As much as I *love* my Captain Jack Sparrow, FINALLY a decent Norrington story! Yay! Keep it up!!!
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  • From ANON - Jen on July 20, 2006
    Just had to let you know that I love your story. Since seeing the second movie, I've had an uncanny attraction to Norrington. He's just So, I was so excited when I found your story. It's really well written and I love the idea of him rescuing Elise from the middle of the ocean. Please update soon. As Elise said, I'll be couting the seconds. :)
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  • From ANON - Line on July 18, 2006
    I've been desperate for a Norrington/OC fic for so long and this one has seriously just made my month!lol I'm totally hooked and I can't wait to read me. I love your style and the way you describe flustered!Norrington. It's absolutely brilliant! Please update soon!

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  • From ANON - Kate on July 18, 2006
    I love it. This story has real potential. Keep up the good work!
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  • From ANON - Hope on July 17, 2006
    Intriguing story, please continue yoru writting is superb
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