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Reviews for Plundering of the Heart

By : Hippiechick7897
  • From ANON - Suriya on August 07, 2006
    I was pleased how you took your story on. Reminding Norringtons gentlemanly
    behaviour made me...happy and... Oh well I just have to wait and see how it goes on,
    won't I? *begins to dream* -Anxiously waiting,yours truly-
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  • From ANON - Anon on August 06, 2006
    Very good clif hanger there. I hope he is rude and I hope James showes him a thing or too. I think I might know where your plot maybe going now in some ways. Very good though keep it up.
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  • From ANON - Unwritten on August 06, 2006
    When I first read this I was really worried of a Mary Sue, but you write both characters so well it doesn't *seem* to be that way (so it would seem!)! This is just how I pictured James, and I love your idea of Nervefield. Reminds me a bit of Mr. Darcy, but that's how I picture James...just a little less socially awkward Mr. Darcy. And not as snobby of course. Please write more! Soon!! I agree with Night though, I think -Captain- Jack Sparrow should somehow become involved. He always did say he loved weddings - drinks all around!!!

    Write more soon (or else! ^_^)!!!
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  • From ANON - night on August 06, 2006
    i think jack sparrow should become his best man at the wedding :D
    i love it! unfortunately there are almost no james centered stories, i'm so happyi found urs!
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  • From ANON - Rie on August 03, 2006
    Oookay, review didn't come out as I wrote it. Weird.. hmm.. Anyways I think you get the general gist of it *grin* I love the fic and think drama will ensue *nods*
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  • From ANON - Rie on August 03, 2006
    Finally a Norrington/ofc story xD I have been searching everywhere for one! .< With the Deveraux (sp?) people and such. And of course the mutinous Captain xD
    I also have to urge you (since I adore this story) to post your story on my website
    It's primarily an Orlando site but it also deals with other characters from his movies.. so pretty please?
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  • From ANON - Suriya on August 01, 2006
    Yippee! Norry lost the control! Very entertaining again!!!
    Can I just please spank him a little for being a bad boy, please, please =)
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  • From ANON - Jen on July 31, 2006
    wow. that was indescribingly hott. the sex scene was just...gah! there are no words. i am in love with this story. thank you so much for "Hot and Losing Control!Norrington". he will be in my dreams tonight. :)
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  • From ANON - Anon on July 31, 2006
    Great work! I like what you put into these two new chapters.
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  • From ANON - Lil ol' me on July 28, 2006
    That was great! I can't wait for the next chappie!
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  • From ANON - Lizabeth on July 27, 2006
    Oh that was clever! Very clever, indeed. I love the tension, love it all. Can't wait for more!
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  • From ANON - Azlak on July 27, 2006
    Loving the story as Norrington is my favourite PoTC character! Just one thing though, there's no chance that an English naval officer in the 18th century would call himself a jerk...probably 'fool' or something, as jerk isn't a term used in the UK. Hurry with updates though, it's very well written! :)
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  • From ANON - Kate on July 27, 2006
    I love/hate the suspence you put in each No, really it's a good thing! I can't wait to see who her finace is(and I think I have an idea of who it might be...?) Also, I'm glad you're portraying Gillette like such a douche. I cannot stand him. Keep up the good work!
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  • From ANON - Anon on July 27, 2006
    Another well done chapter. I like the suspence! I can't wait to read who her betrothed might be? I like the way you write about Norringtons feelings towards her but kind of wish there was a little bit more from her.Well done anyways I will be looking forward to the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - Suriya on July 25, 2006
    It's allways a pleasure to find a decent fic from other than the "main"characters.
    I loved Norringtons stiff character even in the first movie. The language he uses and
    especially the voice of Jack Davenport... not to mention his good looks... well a girl
    falls for the stiffies occasionally. :) Keep up the good work!
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