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Reviews for Plundering of the Heart

By : Hippiechick7897
  • From ANON - Draculea on September 04, 2006
    since you asked for a review...
    I have just found your story and I LOVED it. There are only few stories about Norrington, and even fewer with a bit of romance in store, so please go on letting poor Norry be the hero and rescue Elise.
    By the way, I very much admire your style of writing, especially in the way you portrayed Norrington. I myself am no native speaker, but I know a well written story when I see one.
    So, onward brave writer! We long for more!

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  • From ANON - Suriya on September 03, 2006
    Goody, goody.
    I'm sizzling with anxiety! Please continue... may I just ask for one thing;
    please don't make Jack look TOO bad. :)
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  • From ANON - night on September 01, 2006
    yay! finally!
    lol, how does jack always find himself in these situatioins :D the poor man probably just wanted some rum. aww..

    anyway! i really really really love your story! and i think you should update more often!!
    keep going
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  • From ANON - Kagehoshi (not logged in) on August 31, 2006
    I have to say I love your story very much. There aren't enough Norry-centric fics out there and I like Norry very much. Please continue with your story, I can't wait to see how it ends.
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  • From ANON - Vixey on August 31, 2006
    AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhh cliffhanger!! while i do not consider myself a norrington fan, i am really enjoying this story. i didnt like him in dead mans chest, he was such an ass. anyway please keep up the good work
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  • From ANON - lunarflame on August 31, 2006
    great chappy OMR I knew it had to be Sparrow!!! Ahh can't wait for the next chappy n_n
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  • From ANON - Suriya on August 26, 2006
    I'm against violence, but now I really have these murderous thoughts
    against Andrew. He really is worse than pirate!
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  • From ANON - Suriya on August 20, 2006
    James, James where did you go? Please bring him back to me! I miss his company.
    *waits updating* :)
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  • From ANON - Unwritten on August 19, 2006
    It's fair to say this is my favorite story on - least the POTC section!!! I'm in LOVE with Norrington already as he lives in my head and this chapter was so great! I was hoping for her fiance to be more of an ass, but he was probably just tired right? Jerks are SO much fun to play because they do whatever the hell they want without worrying about the consequences. I love the plot since pirates really did kidnap important people for ransom (Blackbeard did it a lot) and it looks like James has a trick or two up his sleeve! I think he should give Devuase (mispelling it probably - sorry!) a bloody nose or something!!!! VERY good, keep up the good work and please post soon! As I said, Norrington is my favorite character (next to Jack of course) and I adore the story! I agree with Night - Jack should pop up and give the Commodore a good teasing! Or maybe they need Jack to help them save her father? Just an idea, but I'm sure you've got better ones!!! Give Norry a hug for me ^___^.
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  • From ANON - megaera on August 14, 2006
    *pants* Sweet Leaping Jesus, this is good!!! More!
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  • From ANON - LunarFlame on August 13, 2006
    I have a feeling Andrew made those pirates attack the ship n_n ahh I love this story its just wonderful update soon!!!
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  • From ANON - night on August 13, 2006
    bang! - enter jack sparrow, chilling in tortuga with the lord. lol.
    "commodore! who' are you doin' here? -hick-"
    please! it would be so awesome! and all the teasing that norrington could receive for having a girlfriend! come on! we all know it, jack is silly enough :D

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  • From ANON - Tiger7 on August 11, 2006
    How do I love thee? Too many damn ways to count. This story makes me giddy. It's incredible! Norrington gets some love without him acting like a jerk, like so many stories. And Elsie is smokin', I must say. This could only get better. It'd be great to see James put Andrew in his place.
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  • From ANON - A on August 11, 2006
    Hi, I've really enjoyed reading your story! I'd like to give some constructive criticism if you don't mind, but I want you to know that I wouldn't have read all ten chapters so far if I didn't think it was really good.

    About calling Elise "Lady Gold": Under the British peerage system, for a man to be addressed as Lord Gold, he would have to hold a rank between baron (low end) and marquess (high end). So far so good, since the type of his peerage is never mentioned in your story. However, there is no way Elise, as the child of Lord Gold, could be called Lady Gold. That would be his wife. Elise would be called Lady Elise if her father were a marquess or an earl, and just Miss Gold if he were a viscount or a baron.

    In several places homonyms such as your/you're and piece/peace are mixed up.

    I didn't think people said "Wow, don't you look fetching" in the late 18th century, but I could be wrong. ;)

    There are a few times when things happen without explanation. For example, after they find Elise's father's ship and Norrington and Gilette go to her cabin, the three of them begin to talk and then Smith appears out of nowhere.

    Punctuation, particularly commas, is often missing.

    I'm just throwing this one out there... It would be very socially unacceptable for a woman to be staying at the house of an unmarried man, but since they had sex it is very understandable to ignore other conventions, and anyway I think you probably knew that since I can see you're familiar with Pride and Prejudice. :)

    A butler is addressed simply by his last name, with no "Mister" in front.

    There are a few other niggling things, but I didn't want to be more of a pain in the ass than I am sure I already have been. I do think your story is very interesting! Norrington is so sexy. :)
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  • From ANON - Jen on August 08, 2006
    please send more soon. i need it!!!!


    have i told you today that i love you?!
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