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Reviews for Against All Odds

By : bazcatz
  • From ANON - Gina on February 04, 2006
    Chapter 1 - Excellent opening, full of suspense already and drama. I love the characterisations of Obi and Anakin .. even though I am not a technical member of the fandom you've created characters that I care about and want to see more of. Thanks for sharing.

    Chapter 2 - Powerful, I love this chapter ... it is very angsty on our poor Obi! Write more soon, please!

    Chapter 3 - I love that this chapter seems to be softer than the other chapters - there is so much love evident between them, even if they find it hard to express it. Beautiful. More soon please!

    Chapter 4 - Excellent - loved the whole thing, especially Obi-Wan's worry that Anakin is more interested in Padme than him. More soon!
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  • From ANON - Phoenix Red Lion on February 03, 2006
    YES! They have FINALLY kissed! About damn time! *laughs* Though I have to admit, I've loved all the tension leading to that kiss. *evil smirk* Makes the kiss even better.

    You are really doing a great job with this! I really love how you write both Anakin and Obi-Wan and am anxious to see how this turns out. You are also doing a great job with Obi-Wan's injuries...too often stories tend to downplay them when in fact he barely survived them. I know bacta is supposedly good but I seriously doubt it is THAT good! I especially loved this line: “What the Sith are you doing? Are you trying to give me a heart attack?” That sounded more like something Obi-Wan would say to Anakin...kind of nice seeing the tables turned. *laughs*

    And Obi-Wan got caught watching a cheesy soap. *snicker* Though you can't blame him...I hate soaps yet if one is on I can't help getting drawn into the cheesy drama. *laughs* No matter how much you dislike them, they still can pull you in. Poor Obi-Wan.

    Well I can't wait to see what you do next to these poor boys. Update soon!
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  • From ANON - Queen Serenity of the Naboo on February 03, 2006
    Oh! Finally! Some slash! ^^
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  • From ANON - Queen Serenity of the Naboo on January 30, 2006
    Aw, I always love a crying Obi-Wan. ^^ Ah! You can practically *see* the pre-slashiness already! *giggles*
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  • From ANON - GypsyofShadow on January 26, 2006
    Awwww.... Poor Obi Wan. ;_;
    He needs Ani hugs. ^^
    Please continue! Great fic. ^^
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  • From ANON - Alisha Steele on January 26, 2006
    This fic is very promising. Can't wait for more.

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  • From ANON - Anakinsliquiddream on January 25, 2006
    EXCELLENT, I loved it. Keep going please :) ALD
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  • From ANON - Finn on January 25, 2006
    Lovin it! More please.
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  • From ANON - Queen Serenity of the Naboo on January 24, 2006
    No! Obi-Wan! *sobs*
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  • From ANON - Queen Serenity of the Naboo on January 20, 2006
    This story seems pretty good! But I can't wait to see the slashiness soon. ^^ Can't wait for the next chappy!
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