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Reviews for To Overcome

By : sarina7667
  • From ANON - Kay on July 30, 2006
    I love it! Very nice, can't wait to see more. I love Cass and Patrick, the history you hinted at promises he's a complex antagonist.

    Once in a while it was difficult to tell which of the men you were talking about, but other than that no complaints.
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  • From ANON - Aurora Moon on July 12, 2006
    this is actually promising.. very good. I hope you update. :)
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  • From ANON - Cassie on January 28, 2006
    Wow!! I loved your first chapter!! Your story will be awesome I know it!! You have a couple of spelling and grammer mistakes but they aren't that notice able. I think Patrick is an asshole!! I hope you write a flash back of what happend to Cass in grades school so we know why she hates him soo much!! I hope to read lots more soon!! ^__~
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  • From ANON - Hyrina on January 20, 2006
    Wow, I really liked that. Good job on the story so far. I can't wait to read more. Though Cassandra seems to have some issues... it seems like she's almost too timid to be comfortable around ANYONE let alone just him. But maybe it's JUST him who brings it out? Either way, I can't wait to see what happens. And I hope Patrick dies. Oops, did I say that?
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