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Reviews for Katie Trouble aka Under His Skin

By : chielohana
  • From Rayvenz on July 01, 2008
    Love love love this story I really do...its a bit scary though that the fact her best friends name is Amanda Lynn and thats my real name...why couldn't I end up with Crane *sighs*;
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  • From TwistedAnimator on June 13, 2008
    Very funny,I read the first 2 chapters,it's so funny about the guy who cusses after the three pointer,and when Crane says "TV Games",lmao.
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  • From TheScarecrow on June 13, 2008
    Wow, good details. And a sweet crushing relationship? This story is an excellent read. I usually despise OC's, but a B/G relationship with my idol deserves for me to give this a chance. And I'm glad I did!
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  • From seductivemessiah on May 13, 2008
    really cool story, me likey
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  • From materialgirl on January 27, 2007
    This story is great! Very interesting and realistic! Please update soon!
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  • From ANON - Does it really matter? on November 09, 2006
    I really enjoyed your story, and I would love to see the new chapter if your making one. I rather like your style of Crane, I mean, the notorious Scarecrow from the movies and comics are like that, and I think you captured him just right. And perhaps even more so.
    -One proffesional to another, Anonymous
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  • From ANON - Vixey on February 09, 2006
    please update, i cant wait to see what happens next
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  • From ANON - Jenna on January 25, 2006
    You really need to update this story... I also read it on and I really like this fic, please update soon!
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  • From ANON - Katie lover on January 14, 2006
    I never like O/Cs but I think I'm in love with your Katie. I have to admit I've read the Crane/Katie sex scene on a couple occasions *blushes* and I have my fingers crossed that there will be another one soon. That finger licking thing in ch. 8 was also sexy, btw. It's even popped in my head a few times. No pressure but please update as soon as humanly possible and give me a couple more things to add to my fantasies ;)
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  • From ANON - Barbie Guurrll on January 10, 2006
    I love this Fic soooo much! If you don't update soon, I'll die. I've never reviewed an Adult fanfic before, but you inspired me! I love the characterization, and am dying to know how things are going to turn out! Don't kill me...If you do, I'll have to continue it myself, and that won't be pretty!! So update ASAP!!


    Barbie (Crane's #2 slut, after you of course. Im second on his nightly rounds.)
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  • From ANON - Good Apollo, I am Burning on January 04, 2006
    Thank you so much for updating. I am looking forward to the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - Pammy on January 02, 2006
    *puts on her glasses, and adjusts her note cards* OMG Where to start with this story. First off Im gonna have to brag saying Im Chii's number one fan. Sorry girls and boys but its true... and if you want to fight for that title then just look at the best friend ring I gave her...Well ofcourse she isnt wearing it... I mean who wears them really? But she kept it, and its currently somewhere in her room!!! Well its given that I love Crane in general, but I love this Crane in the story...and I adore Katie she totally rocks! Honestly, she isnt some mary-sue which causes me to just X out the window, no shes a girl after my own heart. With a little bit a wit thrown in there, shes amazing! And the story is even better. Not many people can pull off a Crane and OC but Chii took the cake on this one! Theres so many parts in this such as Crane saying "My Pet" whos tummy did backflips when reading this? *raises hand and looks around to see others raising their hands as well* And one of my all the fav lines... "That is officially the last thing you pull out of your underwear this evening, or I'm calling this off." ROFL Sadly I'll probably never be in a situation in my life, where I could use that line, but man how I wish I was... and w/ CRANE!!! And Chapter 7 is BEYOND COSMIC! Ya my toes were curled by the time I finished reading!!!!! Its great really it is!!! One of the best Crane stories I have read, no it IS THE BEST crane story I have read. She is able to keep Crane "Crane" w/ out goign over board and having him too crazy that I feel I might lose my sanity by reading... So Im just gonna say that when Crane told Katie "it's the devil in me that gets your blood flowing." MY blood was rushing like the river rapids baby oh ya! LOL I can seriously though hear every word Crane says in this story, thats how good it is... Oh and also Id like to show the pretty heart locket Im going to get on ebay ^_^ I have a silver one, but after reading this I want a gold one now!!!! Anywho please update when you pressure but my birthday is in April ..... the 27th......just so you know.....*wink wink* Take care- Pammy

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  • From ANON - Good Apollo, I am Burning on December 30, 2005
    This may sound a little creepy but I love you. This has to be one of the best OC fics I have ever read. I bow to you in wonder.
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  • From on December 28, 2005
    Oooh... your story had me riveted for several hours! I do look forward to the next chapter! I've been infatuated with Cillian Murphy's Jonathan Crane since the first moment I saw him and I've been looking around for some fics written by others who had a similar reaction to him. It seems that you are attracted to the same aspects as I am (i.e. the brilliant intellect thrown in with the vicious predatory nature and insanity... and the eyes and cheekbones don't hurt either. ;) ) I love Katie too.... and I feel the girl. It's a little scary when one finds that they are STILL attracted to someine in spite of the fact that he is a murderous psychopath (yums). :D

    ANYhoo... keep writing! I'll be waiting!
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  • From ANON - BookLady on December 26, 2005
    Begging, please! Don't wait too long to update! This is soooooo good! Your writing is amazing and I love how you've portrayed Crane! Begging again, please update soon!
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