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Reviews for Through Bitter Chains

By : bluebutbeautiful
  • From Masquerade37 on June 17, 2009
    So here I am, looking to see if rule 34 applies to my dear Kaleesh general, and I happen across this idea of a fanfic. Now, I normally back away from yaoi, but with the way things were going between Dooku and Grievous in the Clone Wars TV show I just had to look at this. And I'm very happy I did.

    First of all, the writing is fantastic. Secondly, having this happen right after "Eyes of the Revolution" helps set the scene for what Grievous is thinking and going through. Thirdly... just... wow... what exactly is still IN that gutsack of his?

    I know this was written years ago, but it's still appreciated. This is definantly staying on my favorites.
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  • From ANON - draylon on September 05, 2006
    Good story! It's always nice to see a character you can think of as looking like Christopher Lee doing...things like someone. Apart from the Dooku/GG twisted relationship, I enjoyed the flashbacks / references to Kaleesh particularly.

    I hope it's really not over. Are you planning to write round 2 of this power struggle?

    (My twopennorth' to the plot summary debate in the above reviews: to review the first review, I thought it was one of the weirder ones I've ever read, odd in a bad way and not terribly constructive. The thing is, they really DID take their relationship to a new level.)
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  • From ANON - Ziggyboo on January 02, 2006
    Ah, this was so great. XD I've put it in my bookmarks. Just exquisite... I only wish there was more!

    ...there really does need to be more well written Grievous fic. The fact that this is well written Grievous slash only sweetens the deal. XD
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  • From jenbug on October 01, 2005
    I don't know what that 'soap opera' ranting is about, when I first read the reviews, I thought I was in the wrong place!!! I want to say how much I enjoyed the story! Who would have known Dooku was such a sadistic Sith with a Geonosian design fetish! Hee Hee!! I would love to give Grievous the old rub-down like that !![ Everyone pretty much knows that about me by now huh?] Now I am really wondering, what kind of ORGANS did they accidently leave inside that gutsack??? Nice job Blue!
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  • From ANON - Louplumb on October 01, 2005
    You are going to judge this whole fic on the summary? come on! It depends on how you look at the situation, and you clearly see it in the relationship sense. You may think you are being constructive with this crit, but I don't find this constructive at all, and I believe the writer is British, not american. And they don't watch tacky american soaps with all that overkilled drama. I think you read the summary and saw what you wanted to see in a very negative way. I personally liked this fic! Thought it was well written and layed out. I don't judge by summaries.
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  • From ANON - BlimeyGirl on October 01, 2005
    "taken to a whole new level" is standard American soap opera cliche dialogue. "Victor and I are taking our relationship to a whole new level tonight!" "Why are you and Brooke fighting about the trip to Big Bear? Wasn't it planned so that you could take your relationship to a whole new level?" "With the murder investigation and alien kidnapping out of the way, Phyllis and I will be taking our relationship to a whole new level!"

    But you need more. There's always: "I have a whole new outlook on life!" "How could you do this to me?" C'mon, if you're gonna use the soapies to form your style, go all out!
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