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Reviews for Lady Doom: The Sequel to Minion.

By : Gevaisa
  • From ANON - Lixta on October 07, 2005
    I'm finally reviewing! I have been eagerly (and sometimes impatiently) following this sequel, as I did 'Minion'.

    I just wanted you to know how much I enjoy your writing, and how much I appreciate the quality. I am grateful for the proper grammar and lack of typos, which makes it easier to enjoy the story itself without distraction. I love Joviana's wry observations on the world of superheros, and on things in general.

    Can't wait for more! Though... "Next time: Joviana gets felt up by another woman!" um..okay. good to know;)
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  • From ANON - Rosy the Cat on October 06, 2005
    By the way, thank you for such a lovely birthday present. You rock!

    -- Rosy the Cat
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  • From ANON - Rosy the Cat on October 06, 2005
    *narrows eyes*

    You're evil. Incredibly good at what you do, but still undeniably evil.


    -- Rosy the Cat
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  • From ANON - Rosy the Cat on October 02, 2005
    Wait, I was wrong? So that eliminates She-Hulk and leaves...

    *eyes widen in shock*

    THE WASP?! But-! You-! Rich lady! Rich lady versus girl with sucky life from poor town! Where the heck could they have met?! Joviana went to a *local* college!

    I'm confused...

    -- Rosy the Cat
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  • From ANON - Luna on September 29, 2005
    Wow that was a good chapter. Im really excited to see what happens next. I loved the nightgown comparisions it was really cute.
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  • From ANON - Rosy the Cat on September 28, 2005

    Too late. I was right! Fear my intuitiveness! FEAR ME!!!

    ...Or, you know, not.

    Spidey's just so mostly-average and loveable. According to my older brother, who reads a lot of the Ultimates lines, Peter and Kitty Pryde are dating. It's kinda cute, really. I really need to get back into reading his comic collections on the sly, but I'm away at school, and he's at home...le sigh.

    -- Rosy the Cat
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  • From ANON - Luna on September 27, 2005
    Wonderful story, excellent plot and its sequal is turning out to be more outstanding please update soon.
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  • From ANON - Rosy the Cat on September 26, 2005
    Yay! Sequel!

    *dances around like a spaz*

    Well, this certainly made my day. And hey, I'm only two and a half hours in!

    Okay, missed the comment about Joviana knowing some hero from her pre-Latviria days at the end of the other story, so I'll make my guess here. It's probably not the Wasp because she's, well, rich. That leaves either She-Hulk or our ever-so-favorite Spider-Man. I like Spidey. Amazing Spider-Man was the first comic my brothers and I started to seriously read, even though I've gotten away from that of late and into manga more, along with some Wonder Woman and Green Arrow and Niel Gaiman's The Sandman. And the Books of Magic. And JSA. And let's not forget a brief foray into CrosGen. Meridian and Mystic rocked.

    -- Rosy the Cat
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