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Reviews for Lady Doom: The Sequel to Minion.

By : Gevaisa
  • From ANON - Lixta on October 27, 2005
    I have to comment: the line, "Most men aren’t worth speaking to before they turn thirty", from the previous chapter, has been playing through my head since I read it- and it makes me smile every time:)
    As for this one...The recounting of Joviana in Hell was amusing, and the concept that the underworld is "an amalgam of the predominant idea of what Hell is" is very interesting. I would love for "superheroes" to hear that Victor is "not evil enough to be damned".
    Also, "laws of heroics"? Hm. Is Jovi going to say something she shouldn't? I'm nervous for her.
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  • From ANON - awoman on October 27, 2005
    Dear Gevaisa,

    feedback... you fascinate me deeply.
    Though I must admit I like the "action" more at the moment - but that is because I have to think enough at the moment for my exams, and I like to relax by reading...
    And as much as I like Joviana - and I like her more every chapter, you can believe me! - but I miss your other stories!!!!!

    Sincere greetings!
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  • From ANON - Rosy the Cat on October 27, 2005

    Well, I only say it because it's true. Oh, and I so adore you, because I think Much Ado About Nothing ROCKS!!! And so do Kenneth Brannaugh and Emma Thompson! That is my absolute favoritest Shakespeare play! I'm really-really hoping that I get a chance to see it live if I get picked for my school's study abroad in England that'll be happening next year. I *heart* Much Ado About Nothing!

    Anyway, my crazy lit geek moment out of the way, this was a really good chapter, and I can't wait until I get let in on all of those wonderfull little secret twists you've been hinting at since the last story. New chapters make me perky.

    -- Rosy
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  • From ANON - Lixta on October 25, 2005
    Ack! You've got me on edge -- I need more!
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  • From ANON - Rosy the Cat on October 25, 2005
    Yay! Happy Victor!

    ...I honestly have nothing else to say, other than "Good grief, woman, you are one kick-ass writer!"

    -- Rosy
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  • From ANON - Lixta on October 22, 2005
    Huh. Her "potential as a sorcerer." That could make things even more interesting.
    I love how calm Victor is in dealing with Joviana's emotions. I want to see how he assuages her fears.
    I'm wondering if/when Jovi's birth-mother will enter the story, and how Malice may play a role in it. Can't wait for more!
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  • From ANON - Rosy the Cat on October 22, 2005
    Wait, what? Joviana said she lacked the two esential abilities necissary to be able to cast magic back in Minion. Why the heck would Victor possibly think she was capable? I'm confused here...

    -- Rosy

    P.S.: Babies! Aww, so cute!
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  • From ANON - poyson on October 18, 2005
    Love the story so far, i can't wait until you write more. Keep up the good work! -Poyson
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  • From ANON - Rosy the Cat on October 18, 2005
    Oh, and I fully support Joviana in her disdain of Johnny Storm. He is such the Annoyingly-Self-Assured Jock... The only guy out of that type I actually liked as a person back in High School was this one guy who was on both the football team and in choir. We each did a Weird Al solo for our final concert series Senior year. It would be a hoot to look back on if the acompanist hadn't ruined mine by going too fast and skipping the second and third verses. Jerk.

    And yay, Doctor Strange showing up! That suggests that magic'll be thrown around!

    -- Rosy
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  • From ANON - Rosy the Cat on October 18, 2005
    Mmm, new chapter...

    But wouldn't a little Joviana/Victor baby be just the cutest lil' itty-bitty thing? Well, obviously I think so. However, I can definitely see Joviana's insecurity regarding her self-image and some aspects of her relationship with Victor being a continuing issue for a while. Poor Victor. He's gonna have to get in the habit of being comforting and giving lots and lots of hugs.

    *pauses as she contemplates Victor Hugs*


    -- Rosy
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  • From ANON - Rosy the Cat on October 13, 2005
    *cackles evily!*

    Oh, come on, it was funny, admit it. ADMIT IT!

    Heh. Anyway, I really liked the story of Joviana's first burst of Super-Insight, as it were. She makes excellent points. With Spider-man, at least he got his powers by accident and then he at least tried to do the right thing with him. In my experience, he tries to minimize the collateral damage he does make, too. And his webs evaporate after a while, so that cleans up after itself. Janet really was irresponsible to take so many things at face-value with her husband, much less ignore his psychotic tendancies. It's not like she'd never seen a crazy person who could act--Joviana's birth mother, for example. I get that she was in love with Hank and love is blind and all, but that's just nuts!


    Great chapter!

    -- Rosy the Cat
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  • From ANON - awoman on October 10, 2005
    Dear Gevaisa,

    I still enjoy reading about Joviana (the story is nice, light, easy and entertaining - and still so well developed and thought about sooo deeply, you are a real artist!) - but I wonder what I did wrong - because I have not heard from you so long. Maybe you are just busy, like I am often, too?
    And what about your other stories? You remember, there are big and little Erik with Anne, and there is that X-Men-woman with Erik in the Opera... they all are hanging around, twiddling their thumbs in boredom... ;-)

    Sincere greetings,
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  • From ANON - Rosy the Cat on October 10, 2005
    “It’s marvelous, I adore it! You know what? I’ll use it to stick notes on Victor of things I want him to remember!”

    *falls over giggling!*

    Oh, heck, I could picture him getting mad at the servants as they try to cover up giggles because Joviana stuck a note to his butt before I remembered the de-magnetized thing. Or maybe to his back. It brings to mind this one flashback scene from Deadpool (my little brother's addicted, and I admit Joe Kelly's a funny writer) a few years back. Can you picture Victor with a note stuck to his back that says "My mommy made this for me. She loves me very much."

    Hee, Deadpool...

    -- Rosy the Cat
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  • From ANON - Thornwitch on October 09, 2005
    Does this mean that there is going to be more citrus content soon? Not that I'm impatient or anything... Btw, as a short person, in fashion terms (even though statistically I'm completely average) it seems like ALL clothes are made for tall women, often without much in the way of bust or hip room. But maybe it just seems that way to me? Oh, and didn't Reed and Sue have a daughter who seemed to have been Doom's kid, but wasn't, from an alternate reality? Is she around, or did she conviniently vanish? That sort of clean-up of interesting but messy side characters is one reason I don't read that many comic s any more. There's this hilarious indie comic called Girl Genius that you should check out. It's romance-adventure with Mad Science and a not-entirely evil world-conquoring baron, in a Steampunk setting, by Phil and Katja Foglio. You'll love it.
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  • From ANON - Rosy the Cat on October 08, 2005
    Yes, a very happy birthday it was. I got several movies, including the boxed set of BBC Narnia movies, and a Barnes and Noble gift card from my parents. I used it to get the soundtracks for Joseph and Godspell, as well as a copy of the new sequel to Wicked. Yay!

    Next on my agenda is Marvel 1602, and maybe a few more volumes of The Books of Magic. Mmm, book geek-y-ness...

    As for the evil thing: I'll be Nomi Sunrider and you can be Exar Kun. Only of course your Exar Kun would be girl-y and cool and not promoting slavery.

    -- Rosy the Cat
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