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Reviews for Lady Doom: The Sequel to Minion.

By : Gevaisa
  • From ANON - Ibn on November 14, 2005
    As a mostly DC comics fan I am not as familiar with the Marvel Universe. But your writing makes me want to be. You are a very skilled writer and you have a great command of these charactres. The humor you add gives life to these stories. I discovered Minion about a week ago and have read them straight through. Please continue, and is there anywhere else to find some of you writing?
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  • From ANON - Rosy the Cat on November 14, 2005
    Okay, Joviana's mom isn't a pit viper, but she still is a psycho. Poor Pickles...

    *hugs GhostCat!Pickles*

    And I get that the woman had a difficult life, and that probably made things worse for her, and her parents probably spoiled her rotten or something to leave her with so many problems as far as day-to-day living goes, but that's no reason for treating any child like she did Joviana, much less one's own. Obviously someone should deck Joviana's maternal grandparents for being so uncompassionate. Nobody would abandon/kick out a pregnant daughter in my family, that's for darn sure!

    You know, Victor's pretty darn good at the whole comforting and supportive husband thing. ...I want one!


    -- Rosy
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  • From ANON - Thornwitch on November 09, 2005
    Literate smut; my favorite. Doom is sneaky enough to find a way to make her responsible for some kid for a little while in some manufactured "dire circumstance" that would allow Jovi to rise to the occasion and help herself have a little confidence in her potential as a mother who doesn't scar her children for life, right? And did he and Strange hear what Mephisto offered her? If so, Dr. Strange knows she isn't who she says she is...
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  • From ANON - Lixta on November 09, 2005
    Hooray for smut! (x3)
    I'm eager to learn more of the details of Jovi's past - but I'm patient. Sort of.
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  • From ANON - Rosy the Cat on November 09, 2005
    Yup. Lacking speech be I.

    Anyway, first off, *BLUSH!!!* Virgin eyeballs just about ready to fall out of their sockets here! But in an oddly good way, naturally, because that's just how gosh-darn cool you are. And I'm looking forward to getting more details on Joviana's back story. I predict a serious urge to pummel her birth mother, the unfeeling cow. No, that's mean to poor little cows. She's a cold-blooded pit-viper. She needs some stomping, methinks. GRR...

    -- Rosy
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  • From ANON - Sandy on November 09, 2005
    You continue to impress. I look forward to these with the same anticipation that i do a favorite author at a bookstore.
    Thank you!
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  • From ANON - Thornwitch on November 05, 2005
    Wow! that was beautiful. I think I would also use Rober Frost as a weapon against the forces of Hell...If I was a stealth superheroine with perfect recall, anyway. I notice Jovi thinks of herself as a not particularly good person, although everyone else pretty much thinks otherwise (well, probably not Sabertooth or Malice, or a few others). I adored her transforming hell with stories. It was just great. Thanks for the poetry site, I'll check it out. Although I'ver always had trouble reading anything where all the lines are the same length, 'cause it makes my eye skip around...
    I'm dying to know what she found in the box at the yard sale. I assume it was something that broke her through the veil of ignorance and percption that maintains hero's secret identities. Oh, and I am still patiently waiting for more smut, if you don't mind. Keep up the good work though, even if it is family friendly. Oh, and there's this longish short story by Suzie Mcgee Charnas (unsure of exact spelling on that) called Beauty and the Opera, or the Phantom Beast, that you should totally read. Its in an anthology of her work called "Stagestruck Vampires" and I got if from the Liberary. Very Gaston Leroux, very much a Christine with a spine and not what you might expect....Whe a Phantom story is in a Vampire anthology, well, I guess the editor thought it wouldn't be too much of a stretch.
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  • From ANON - xidaer on November 01, 2005
    Neeee! *claps hands in child-like delight* you realize you are a genius? Her intelligence! Her intelligence is all that magic she'll ever need. I mean has anyone else ever considered a librarian secertly ruling the world, all the collected knowledge, all connected and not only cross-referenced but actually meaningly put together? ......... okay, I'm weird, but you be wonderful! Must go out and find "The Exiles" now. And since I didn't review the last chapter (well, before 13 came out, I'm not complaining though! *grin*) I have to wonder what is in the box in the attic.... somehow all that comes to mind is comic books (comics in a comic universe, how would that work out? Non-fiction?), or lit books- one of the two. Oh and on another sidenote, concerning the brain *not* playing tricks on you have you ever seen "What the Bleep Do We Know?" I will say no more except it talks about that idea and much quantum physics....don't watch while tired. *laughs* yes brains did turn into overly thought provoked mush.
    But i digress (hardcore...) I love the plot (of Lady Doom, not much plot in Bleep), much luv to you! praise praise praise go with your rocking authorly ways!
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  • From ANON - Lixta on November 01, 2005
    It's fascinating, the references you make to art, literature, etc. You are broadening my horizons:)
    I'm looking forward to more of Joviana and Victor.
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  • From ANON - Rosy the Cat on November 01, 2005

    Wow. Just wow.

    -- Rosy
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  • From ANON - awoman on November 01, 2005
    your thoughts are intriguing, and the way you put them into the story is extremely fascinating, as allways!
    Thank you for sharing all this with us!
    Sincere greetings,
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  • From ANON - Lixta on October 31, 2005
    Okay, now *I'm* going to be picturing Doom as a father. That'll keep me happy for a bit. :)
    Wonderful, as always!
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  • From ANON - Rosy the Cat on October 30, 2005
    You know, I've had similar thoughts of Doom as a father since shortly after I started reading "Minion." Doom+Doom's kids=Mutual Adoration Society. Every daughter would be a Daddy's Girl, every son would proudly declare him their hero, and every bit would be utterly sincere, the way little kids always are. Can you just imagine Christmas Mornings with that family? They'd have to stop the gift-giving every other second so some kid or another could run over and give Victor and Joviana hugs. If Doom weren't ruler of Latveria, I could see him spending summer afternoons napping in a hammock, a pile of kids sprawled all over him and dozing.


    Damn, I wish my dad were like that. I didn't really get to the point that I knew and liked him as a person until I was in college. He was the Big Guns disciplinarian in my family, what you avoided so you'd do what Mom said, even though she was the one that was handing out punnishments more often than not. My dad's a good person, really, it's just that he's the oldest of three boys, had no idea how to handle a girl, and thus unintentionally gave me some psychoses that linger.

    Anyway, I can't wait to see how you work out Joviana's lingering Mother Issues so we can get to the Cute Babies stage of the storyline. Ooh, and magic! Love the magic.

    -- Rosy
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  • From draygon on October 30, 2005
    YES!!!! You have made my entire week!!!!

    Doom would be lovely as a father, though as the father of a teenage girl...that is an adventure in and of itself.

    I can see where Jovianna is coming from with her questions concerning magic. You seem to have read my mind concerning those principles. Well done.

    Eagerly awaiting the next installment.

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  • From ANON - xidaer on October 28, 2005
    Hey! OMGoodness! I want to heap praise upon thee! You have many a devoted fan I'm sure, and I am included among their ranks. Even amid classes, midterms and work I still find a chance at least every day or two to check for updates. I love the storyline, and Jiovanna, and it totally makes me see Doom in a new light (merow! damn, sexy intelligent man that he is). But ignore my silly-ness, I wanna know what's next! *sends hugs and praise and m&m cookies!* -much luv, xidaer
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