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Reviews for Lady Doom: The Sequel to Minion.

By : Gevaisa
  • From ANON - Rosy the Cat on December 14, 2005
    Personally, I'm mostly glad none of the libraries I've ever been to, either public or for schools, have been that bad. That just sounds nasty, and someone really should do something about it. You'd think some big-shot bestselling American author or another would be donating hand over fist to improve libraries, but maybe it's just because most of us grew up with good, clean, adequet libraries so it never occurs to us. I think this is going to be one of my new things to advocate, along with organic farming, expanding the space program towards colonization, global warming, and world peace.

    Anyway, great chapter, and I really liked the welcome-home bit. It was very sweet, but not too sweet, and it helped resolve Joviana's Mothering anxieties finally, which is good. You know, that bit about the kids being stuffed into nasty orphanages reminded me of an article I read years back in 6th grade about how bad orphanages are in China, and that it's mostly girls being sent there. Oddly enough, not long after that a couple from my church addopted twin girls from China, something that I understand a lot of American couples have done in recent years. Thinking about it now, though, do you think in ten years or so we'll be seeing a lot of Chinese guys coming over to try and find a girl because so many were taken out of their population pool?

    Population control is an odd thing to consider. On the one hand, intellectually I know that people really should cut back on having kids. Emotionally, though, I'd certainly like to have more than one kid myself, especially as I look at my immediate extended family and see three recent deaths, and think "Eek! We're shrinking!" even though the main, well-known branches are from two-kid marriages that each produced two generations of three-kid-averages.

    I don't know. Population is a weird thing. That's partially why I think we should be looking to space, as well as to give the planet a break.

    -- Rosy

    P.S.: Sorry for the rant, but I think alot and I felt it was relevant. You rock!
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  • From ANON - dragons on December 11, 2005
    Wow! I really love your story, and can't wait for more.
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  • From ANON - awoman on December 11, 2005
    Dear Gevaisa,

    interesting thoughts you are developing... do man and woman have a right on children?
    Do they have a right on healthy children? Do they have the duty to have either healthy children - or no children at all?
    And if there is something like "a genetic disorder" - cure the "illnes" by getting rid of the child?
    What would have hapened if there had been a "genetic disorder" in that child's genom? Is genetic manipulation really categorical desirable or the only alternative to abortion or chuldlessness?

    I am by now hooked to Joviana as close as to Anne. ;-)

    Sincere greetings,
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  • From ANON - Rosy the Cat on December 11, 2005
    Honestly, I don't know whether or not her theory is right. My innitial reaction to the idea was along the lines of "Wha?!" This was shortly thereafter followed by "Those two? No. Wait. Maybe? No. My brain hurts."

    Whereupon I hit the review link, and now I'm here with no idea whatsoever.

    Congratulations, you've inspired your first brain meltdown. Huzzah!

    -- Rosy

    P.S.: Now that I think of it, that whole lawyer-married-his-niece thing reminds me of Toni Morrison's "Paradise", only with less of it and no racial-purity motivation. I ended up just skimming through the rest of that book after that point, really.
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  • From ANON - Rosy the Cat on December 07, 2005
    Great chapter, Gevaisa! It sucks that you lost the reviews for the last one. I hope whatever problem you had with that situation has been resolved, and I can't wait to see what you do with this next.


    -- Rosy
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  • From ANON - Sandy on December 06, 2005
    *kisses your head*
    *kisses your typey fingers*
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  • From ANON - Lixta on November 29, 2005
    I'm again having images of Victor as a father...too wonderful! I loved “That whelp of Richards' will not be allowed within five kilometer of any daughter of ours!” Hee! How great would that scenario be?
    The whole chapter left me feeling somewhat as Joviana does- reassured and content.
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  • From ANON - Rosy the Cat on November 28, 2005
    *breaks out the silver-and-green pom-poms!*

    Yay! Minion comic! And I'd be the one shoving my brother out of the way at the comic shop to get to it, just so you know.

    Seriously, this story could be the best EVER, especially if you get a good artist to work with. And think how it could end up changing Marvel comics as a whole? I mean, they are all inter-connected.

    *ahem,* As to this chapter, I loved how you pointed out the implimentation of the Laws of Heroics on Franklin's life. It was very eye-opening, and even I had noticed that the Baxter Building didn't seem very home-y before. Also, I burst out into giggles at Victor's reaction to Franklin potentially dating any potential VonDoom girls. I love this! The only thing keeping me from shoving a link to this at my older brother and saying "READ THIS NOW" is I'm worried about the weird looks I'd get about me reading smut. Silly boy, but my parents like him and listen because he's the "responsible one who has worked for the longest and has thus saved up the most money."

    But enough about me, *you* rock, m'dear. Go team you!

    -- Rosy
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  • From ANON - Thornwitch on November 23, 2005
    The best thing about Joviana's personal history, and one of the things that saves her from being one of those "oh, she had such a tragic personal history" heroines, is that she overcame that history by her own efforts. She decided to changer her life and her fate, and used all the tools of at her disposal to do so.

    PS: I recently read this really interesting article in Discover Magazine about using mega-doses of vitamins to combat mental disorders. It kind of makes sense, when you think about the influence of chemical compounds (like lithium, for instance) on the brain...Makes me want to take my daily vitamin supplement.
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  • From ANON - Rosy the Cat on November 21, 2005
    It's me again. Something occured to me about your last response. I could have sworn that I heard somewhere that Marvel had a more adult-oriented line for comic books, like DC has Vertigo. You might want to look into that and see if they'd take your story as a mini-series or something.

    It's only an idea, true, but I think it merrits some further research.

    -- Rosy
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  • From ANON - Rosy the Cat on November 20, 2005
    Whoo! Go Victor with your successful comforting of the distressed wife!

    I swear, if it weren't for his meglomaniac and dictatorial tendencies, Victor VonDoom could very well be the perfect man. And once again, I want one.

    *pouts at her smoochie-free life*

    Then again, for all that I have started to gain male friends, none of them are the smooching-type of friends...Well, for me.

    Anyway, great chapter, I love how the story is coming along, and this just reaffirms my desire to kick Joviana's entire maternal family, both hard and repeatedly. In the most sensitive and breakable areas I can reach. And I can kick pretty darn high and hard. GRR...!!!

    -- Rosy

    P.S.: Well, when next I review I'll be home in California. Which I am so looking forward to, considering that I go to school in Illinois.
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  • From ANON - Thornwitch on November 19, 2005
    Ok, one more thing. I used to have a roomate (I live in Boston, so having to share an appartment with other people is part of life) who was bipolar, with a side helping of addictiver personality and maybe a couple of other problems. She also had very little sense of smell. Living with her was not fun, but fortunately we didnt see too much of each other. She wasn't the only crazy person I ever lived with , but she was the worst.
    I think that people with psyciatric problems often have extra trougle with day-to day things simply because they are so distracted by what is going on in their own head that they are unable to fully process and interperate outside input. They lack insight, because they have no inner clarity. That, and because they cannot analyze their problems, they are unable to take any action to ameliorate them on their own. I also have several relatives with some, uh, problems. I kept trying to get that roomate to come to my Tai Chi school, since it helps to make a person healthier in mind and body (somthing that is beginning to be confirmed by science), and has kept me from losing my marbles during various bad patches in my life. She would never, ever, do anything to help herself. Nothing that took any commitment, anyway. She was willing to take pills. One of my crazier relatives is the same way.

    A lot of really really good psychiatric counciling with a heaping helping of properly administered psychoactive drugs could do wonders for Jovi's mom. Maybe Doom can have her brain re-wired.
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  • From ANON - Thornwitch on November 19, 2005
    I think your Doom might occasionally hover on the edge of being OOC, but neve quite goes over, mostly due to you putting in occasional bits of his ruthless/viscious side. I also think that he may be trying to show the woman he loves his good side as much as he can. He doesn't want to hurt or frighten her, or make her want to leave him. Incidentally, I would very much like to know at what point in their relationship that started... I get something of an impression that he tends towards an almost chivalric attitude towards women and children; people who cannot defend dthamselves. Perhaps the armor is shaping his personality again...

    Jovi's mom was presumably shitzophranic (sp) for most of her daugter's life, but did she have her first actual break with reality when her husband left?

    Doom is going to do something nasty to the step-father, isn't he? Ans he told Magneto that he doesn't consider insanity a viable excuse for bad behavior, so maybe somthing about the mother, although I sense it would be somethig along teh lines of sending her off to a good, secure nut house, because she is Jovi's mon, no matter how insane.

    I absolutely think you should post your other stories here. And I'm still lobying for some additional citrus content. As always, breathlessly awaiting the nest chapter.
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  • From ANON - Sandy on November 16, 2005
    *grabs the story*
    *puts it on the bed*
    *rolls around in it giggling*
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  • From ANON - Rosy the Cat on November 16, 2005
    You know what? I think part of the reason the guys at Marvel gave Victor that whole "no intimacy" thing is because the guy who first came up with it had HorrorMovie!Phantom of the Opera hangups, and assumed that along with the rest of the hero/villian dichotomy that deformed = evil. We, all of us true Erik fans (I *heart* Erik!) know otherwise. Though I wonder if every once in a while some Fantastic Four writer notices what you have about Victor being a hero architype and stuff and writing him in a more heroic fashion, which would explain all of those wonderful redeeming canonical moments the man has. So, your Victor isn't OOC, he's simply being allowed and encouraged to be the man he was always meant to be.

    ...You know, maybe you could get a job as a writer for Marvel. I bet your stuff would look amazing in all it's true technicolor glory.

    Your eternally faithful fan,

    -- Rosy
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