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Reviews for Lady Doom: The Sequel to Minion.

By : Gevaisa
  • From ANON - Lixta on January 01, 2006
    I was unable to check on this story for over a week, so what a nice treat it was to read this update!
    The Laws of Heroics continue to amuse me. And you continue to confuse me.
    How does this chapter fit in with #24? ... okay, so I have a whole list of questions about this, but I figure you'll explain everything in time, so I won't ask.
    I am curious about why/how Joviana decapitated a Doombot. I love her little comments about things that have occurred over the time she has been 'Joviana'. It reminds me that she and Victor have three years of history, which we know very little about.
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  • From ANON - Rosy the Cat on December 30, 2005
    *shakes head at relationship stupidity*


    Anyway, great chapter and I can't wait to find out how this connects to that other chapter with He Who Shall Be Called DUR-oom. Because he's all "Dur, I'm self-centered and oblivious to those around me unless they do something that is immediately beneficial to me". Jerk. And I'd like to find out what's up with the Ben-bot, because that sounds like something interesting on the proverbial horizion. Yay!

    -- Rosy

    P.S.: House of M cartoon part 3 at
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  • From ANON - Moose on December 28, 2005
    Woot! You updated! It is a GREAT chapter! The only problem is....I would very much like another. I think I am becoming spoilt! ;D
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  • From ANON - Raven Firedragon on December 26, 2005
    Just read Minion, and despite the lateness of the hour (it's 3am here in the UK) I had to read the sequel.
    Please write more soon, it's so refreshing to find a good fanfic that is intelligent, witty, sexy and in Canon!

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  • From ANON - dragons1 on December 24, 2005
    I lover how you portray the relationship between Boris and Doom, and I'm enjoying the friendship/revelations of Boris and Joviana. If you haven't already, I suggest you check out the maxi-series Books of Doom, which is Doom telling his story from his point of view. I believe it is up to issue 2.

    Keep up the great work!
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  • From ANON - Lixta on December 24, 2005
    I love Boris. I love the bonding between him and Joviana, as the two people who know and love Victor best.
    Merry Christmas!
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  • From ANON - Thornwitch on December 23, 2005
    Lovely chapter. Boris is such a great supporting character! In a lot of ways, the people aroung the main characters are the ones who give them depth and make them interesting. Kind of like M Giry...I can tell I'm going to have to spend a little time hanging aroung in Comicopia to get a handle on what's going on, though. Are the rest of Boris and Victor's tribe around somewhere? (I know tribe isn't really the right word, but it varied a lot in differant groups anyway)

    I got a book out of the library called The Gypsies that stated in the foreword: "There is more information in print about Martians than there is about Gypsies." its a little sad, but at least there are all those gorgeous, angsty British Isles songs about the Travelers...

    Is the other Doom all wierd and shallow because Boris didn't raise him? I haven't seen much of the "House of M" stuff. Jovi should be a mind-opening experience for him.
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  • From ANON - Rosy the Cat on December 23, 2005
    I have a distinct urge to give Victor and Boris hugs. And Valeria needs a swift kick to her patoot! Honnestly, that's like the reverse of some guy assuming his girlfriend will drop everything that she's interested and be a mother and wife and nothing else for the rest of her life once she's married! If some guy tried to pull that on me, I'd drop him so fast his stupid pea-brain would spin. I know my father isn't like that, but I get the feeling that my mother ended up like that out of good intentions. She hovers over us kids, me especially, and she never kept up her dancing, which was what she majored in at college, beyond the occaisional tap class. So help me, I'm gonna hang on to my own interests until the day I die, whether I marry or not.

    That aside, great chapter, excellent characterizations, and you rock, m'dear.

    -- Rosy
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  • From ANON - dragons1 on December 21, 2005
    All I have to say is, please keep it up.
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  • From ANON - Rosy the Cat on December 21, 2005
    Part one is at: and part two is at:

    You might want to watch his other marvel-oriented cartoons, too; they're hilarious!

    Oh, and I liked this chapter with all the family stuff, though the whole Fantastic Four kicking Victor out for a bit makes me feel like kicking Reed Richards, the short-sighted jerk. Grr...

    -- Rosy
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  • From ANON - Lixta on December 20, 2005
    Yes, I am now rather confused. I can make assumptions about what is going on, but I would definitely appreciate some clarification. Though your saying "eventually" makes me nervous.

    I love Joviana and "The Heroic Law of Odds". And stepping on Magneto's cape-- have you seen 'The Incredibles'? Cuz thats what it made me think of, where superheroes get killed because their capes get sucked into jet engines, etc. Victor should be careful of his own cape.
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  • From ANON - Elna on December 20, 2005
    Yay! ~You updated again! Yet again, I must compliment you on your writing style and informed plot. Though, I do confess to be rather confused as to how that last chapter made sense, brilliant though it was. Please update soon and explain to the poor readers who feel not a little confuzzeled. ;D
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  • From ANON - dragons1 on December 18, 2005
    Wow, you are up on the current Marvel history, if you're including the recent House of M story line that has changed the face of the Marvel Universe. I have friends that own several comic book stores, so I try, if second handed, to keep up on what is going on. I have to admit, I did follow the House of M comics ( yes, I bought them ). I like how you stated Doom in the current timeline would not serve Magneto, where the House of M one was a lackey to him. I think your right, the better Doom would never be a follower, no matter what. I can't wait to see how you explain it and, if any, changes it will cause. Keep of the good and interesting work; I really enjoy your story.
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  • From ANON - Rosy the Cat on December 18, 2005
    Oh yeah, confused be I. But I suspect it has something to do with the "House of M" stuff my brothers have been babbling about. All I know is that someone made some funny cartoons based on it.

    Wah! I feel so uninformed! But it was still a great chapter, Gevaisa.

    -- Rosy
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  • From ANON - elna on December 15, 2005
    That was a lovely ending to that chapter. This is one of the most well informed fics I have ever read. I love your writing style and hope that you will continue soon.
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