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Reviews for Lady Doom: The Sequel to Minion.

By : Gevaisa
  • From ANON - dragons on January 17, 2006
    It just keeps getting better and better; I can't wait for the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - Sandy on January 17, 2006
    Darlin you continue to tittilate and innovate. I love your story.
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  • From ANON - Lixta on January 16, 2006
    You know how they say there are six degrees of separation? There's even fewer when it comes to costumed adventurers. I love it!

    Victor and Joviana continue to inspire warm feelings, they are so sweet together (in their way), and quite well-suited. I like Joviana's subtle manipulation of Victor-- she really is "the woman behind the man".

    Wonderful, as always.
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  • From ANON - Rosy the Cat on January 15, 2006
    You know, that could be an interesting story: "What if Mrs. Magneto didn't die?". And that answers a question I had on your approach with Magneto with Happy Phantom/Dear Professor Xavier: instead of just his oldest daughter dying, so did his wife and little unborn Wanda and Pietro. Sad, but can you imagine the kind of craziness Wanda could've done to the Victorian/whatever age if her powers got to the point they're at in current continuity? Scary.

    Also, I'm joining Victor and Joviana in the "We Hate Fake Dooms" club. I nominate myself as the official Tushie-kicker And Cheerleader. Kicks 'till my feet are sore and "Huzzah!"s 'till I need to retreat to some tea with honey. At which point I pull out the silver and green pom-poms. And once they officially know about Wanda being behind this whole farce, I request to have my duties transfered to her punishment, that psycho and kinky freak.

    Yay justice earned!

    -- Rosy
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  • From ANON - Rosy the Cat on January 15, 2006
    To be honest, I only refrained from reviewing the last chapter in order to wait and respond to your response, as I usually do. Pooh.

    *contemplates launching into the Pooh Bear song*


    Anyway, loved chapter 31 as it resulted in a much-happier Joviana, and loved chapter 32 as it moves forward to the point when the big ol' fakers get their butts kicked. Yay! And I'm so glad Victor shares Joviana's sense of disgust towards the imposter-Dooms.

    Didn't know about the whole Kristoff = Reed's brother, though. Bet Wanda didn't either. She's not much of one for research, is she?

    -- Rosy
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  • From ANON - dragons on January 09, 2006
    Wow, so far, so good, keep it up! I really don't like the House of M Doom, or his family; they're very creepy and disturbing. I can't wait for the "real" Doom to show up to save the day ( part of the Hero Theory ), and to read his reaction to the idea that Joviana might be pregnant. A fatherly Doom..."grin".

    I, also, want to say I love Joviana's Hero/Villan theories; they make sense and I want to congratulate you on expanding the House of M Characters; very well done.
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  • From ANON - Lixta on January 09, 2006
    This version of Latveria is quite depressing. I want to see Victor almost as much as Joviana does!
    Things now make sense! ... well, more sense than before:P
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  • From ANON - Thornwitch on January 08, 2006
    One of the reasons doomed lovers are romantic is the fact that they never have to live with each other. If Romeo and Juliet had sucessfully run away together, it would have probably gotten ugly. If Christine had chosen the Phantom, she would have never grown up, and if Valeria had married Victor, he would have just been Doom.

    That said, is this Dr. D such a differant person because a soul can't be in two places at once, and J's version is also in the House of M reality? And is he responsible for the flame retardant? Most importantly, Doom seems to have been given everything he always wanted, or at least what he thought he wanted. Except workd domination, because Magneto got that. Things we want are so seldom the things we need. (Not always, but often).
    Does the Scarlett Witch have some reason to give him his heart's desire as she did for her father? I assume they know each other, and she was from about that part of Eourope, right? Loved the chapter, and waiting with baited breath as always for the next chapter.

    PS: I recently realized how bad the spelling is in some of my previous reviews. Sorry about that, it was probably late.
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  • From ANON - Rosy the Cat on January 08, 2006
    Ooh! Ooh! Victor's in the castle sabotaging things, isn't he? He's the one who turned on that flame-suppressant stuff, isn't he! Huzzah to Victor!

    I also really liked how Joviana proved Kristoff wrong through her actions in the store. She also had a very good point: when knitted scarves came into fashion--even in California, where I'm from--sure stores started selling lots of them, in lots of patterns and colors, but craft supply stores also saw an increase in sales as people became inspired to learn how to crochet and knitt. I already knew how to knitt before that, but my own knitting production picked up, especially when I was accepted to my college, which is in Illinois. I'm mostly glad for the improved selection in yarns and knitting needles. I don't care what anybody says, production of hand-made things is never gonna die, as long as people can take pride in their own skills.

    Borris really need a hug right now, though I understand why you are doing this with him. Cynthia, based on canon, is known for being incredibly well-intentioned, but she had a bit of a problem with thinking things all of the way through. That's how she ended up dead. In this version of things, as a good mother she would naturally want to give her son every advantage and dote upon him as her only child, particularly since Werner's obviously not around, and thus died in some way or another. He probably was taken to that guy to have the woman healed, and Victor was left with Cynthia, thus removing the whole self-sacrifice aspect of Werner's death, which colored Victor's life along with Borris raising him.

    I've got other things that have come through my mind, but I'm having a bit of trouble getting it into coherant order at the moment, so I remain your faithfull reviewer and fan,

    -- Rosy
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  • From ANON - Moose-Elk on January 08, 2006
    Noooo Bad! Why did you make Joviana give her ring away? That was upsetting and she better get it back soon! Victor gave it to her! Please update soon!
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  • From ANON - Thornwitch on January 07, 2006
    Y'know, the Valeria/Joviana/Victor thing reminds mw of somwthing I read once in a Robert Asprin novel. Something along the lines of: "It would take a tougher than average lady fair to fit into his life successfully." Valeria could very well have come to the correct and rather wise conclusion that Doom's life would be a little too much for her, and that she wasn't what he needed. After all, not that many people would be able to bring out his good side, or live comfortably with the ruthlessnes.

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  • From ANON - Rosy the Cat on January 06, 2006
    I predict much giddiness and possible gloating on his part. And the fake VonDooms need to be killed, preferably YESTERDAY. I remember reading about some English queen who had an annoying habbit of wheedling her way into being given various knick-knacks that caught her eye when she would visit other people's houses, but to demand another woman's *engagement ring*?! Rude, tacky, and fink-ish barely begins to cover that!


    Also, YOU DON'T ALLOW, MUCH LESS ENCOURAGE, AN UNDER-AGED BOY TO HAVE SEX. Period. Wanda's one kinky freak to think this up, I tell you...

    Otherwise, yay new chapter, and I can't wait for the innevitable Doom vs. DUR-oom smackdown. Huzzah!

    -- Rosy
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  • From ANON - dragons on January 05, 2006
    The House of M returns, can't wait to see how this figures into your story. I would like to see the two Dooms face off, to see which is the if we don't know.
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  • From ANON - Rosy the Cat on January 04, 2006
    Because I'm cute and loveable and a faithfull reviewer? *bats eyelashes*

    Seriously, I'm so glad things are being explained now, and Joviana's showing her Devious side, which is wonderfull. Also, BABY!!! CUTE VONDOOM BABY!!!

    I vote that if it's a girl, she gets Joviana's biological grandmother's name first and her adoptive mother's name for a middle name. That would honor both of the positive matriarchical influences in her life. Or maybe Cynthia for the first girl with the grandmother's name in the middle, and Galina for a second daughter and something else for that one's middle name. I'm drawing a blank for guys' names, but I wouldn't recommend Werner as Victor seems to have named various of his efforts to better Latviria after his dad.

    Ooh! Baby Borris!

    Can't wait to see what you produce next.

    -- Rosy
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  • From ANON - dragons1 on January 02, 2006
    A new twist...I can't wait to see where it leads.
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