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Reviews for Lady Doom: The Sequel to Minion.

By : Gevaisa
  • From Kip on July 01, 2009
    Wow! I don't think that anything I could say would really do justice to the astonishing tale that you are spinning, so just 'wow'... I would have reviewed sooner, except that you already had chapter 46 up by the time I discovered this fic. I love both your Lady Doom, and your rather unique take on Victor, and it's about time that someone noticed just how loosely the canon Marvel tales hang together. I read them avidly while younger, and loved them, but now with age I see them from a rather different perspective, and many of the old favourites are disappointing - something that your story most definitely is not! As I firmly believe that good work cannot, and should not, be rushed, I shall say merely that I await your next update with scarcely suppressed interest, and wish you good health and continued inspiration. PS -if this review lacks sense or coherence in places I blame that entirely on being too engrossed in your story to got to bed when I should have. 'Purr
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  • From LoverOfEros on August 05, 2007
    Hey There! Your story is great! I love every single word of it! I Also loved Minion... Two great stories! I hope to read more soon.

    Oh, By the way... May I use that quote "Knowledge is Power, Power Corrupts, Read Books, Become Evil." On my Website. I love that!

    Well have a great day!
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  • From hollilia on May 22, 2007
    OMG! Your stories are articulate, passionate, and intelligent. I-I-I have no words! You are a rare gem, in a sea of granite stones. I have never in my life of fanfiction. (Five years so far) found anything like what you wrote here. I have been coming back to read and reread your fiction and each time find something new! Your one of those authors that I want to kidnap and hide in my closet! (Like that doesn't sound, you know, creepy) Please continue, PLEASE!
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  • From ANON - Lornfaer on December 03, 2006
    Well, wow. This is, if it's not cheesy to say it, fantastic. I love it Wriiiiiiite moooooore pleeeeeeeeeeeease! I stayed up an entire night to read both Minion and Lady Doom, and I definitely have to at least see the wedding day! I loved it, really! You are a marvelous writer and I look foward to the next chapters! *Squeals with glee at the thought of new chapters*.

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  • From ANON - BlinkyPoet on October 02, 2006
    What an origional and vibrant character you've made in Mrs Doom!Also your posting is devoid of the typographical errors and other problems that plague many postings here. When's the next chapter due???
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  • From ANON - Liz on September 29, 2006
    You need to finish this... its good!
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  • From ANON - Snowfall on February 13, 2006
    All AFF members were asked on the main page not to post until March first in order to prevent another site crash while repairs are being made. I assume that since posting has been turned off on profiles that you are accessing this feature via the small cross on your chapter pages. Please observe this warning as admin will be forced to freeze or delete your account in order to protect the site. Please help spread the word to those that you know that do not visit the main page.



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  • From ANON - Gatac on February 13, 2006
    Long time reader, first time reviewer.

    This really is a story that has risen above all my expectations. Brilliant at every turn. I almost feel a bit sorry that the story is, well, "fan fiction", what with the negative connotations that term has for many. Well, here's one that's perfect to convince the unbelievers that the genre has merit.

    Craving the next fix,
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  • From ANON - Rosy the Cat on February 13, 2006
    ...And then she's shocked out of her gourd when Victor and Joviana give her the smackdown of all smackdowns! Brilliant!

    You know, I was just thinking about maybe writing an X-men fan fic, using an idea you mentioned in Minion. Say some random mutant telepath shows up at Xavier's, parents in tow, wanting to go to the school--not because they were persecuted at their last school, but because they feel they need to know how to control their powers, and get a good education at the same time--and wanting nothing to do with the whole Adventurer Production Line-Thingie. Say they want to be a pediatrician, use their powers to help babies or children who can't talk or are deaf or something. And Professor Xavier spends all of this time trying to get the student to think his way, but they just end up feeling he's a manipulative jerk or something. It could be written either as a narrative or in journal form.

    What do you think?

    Anyway, excellent chapter, and now I'm wondering who you have slated to stand up and lead the mutants through example.

    -- Rosy
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  • From ANON - dragons on February 12, 2006
    Yea, you're back! I love how Joviana is manipulating the situation with all the alternate universe characters. It just get's better and better, although I'll be happy when they get back to the "real" world. Call me romantic, but I want a wedding. I can't wait for your next chapter!
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  • From ANON - Lixta on February 12, 2006
    The WannaBeDoom family is seriously messed up. It makes me miss Victor even more. Wonderful!
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  • From ANON - Rosy the Cat on February 12, 2006
    Victory is Joviana's! As for Valeria? ...Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewww...

    At first I thought maybe Wanda cast Valeria as Victor's wife because maybe she'd admired her as a child or something to that effect. Now I'm wondering what the real Valeria did to Wanda to make her do something so nasty.

    Tell? *Bambi Eyes*

    -- Rosy
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  • From ANON - Eryn on February 11, 2006
    Glad to see you got a chapter in, and a great chapter at that. I love the way Joviana finds it so easy to manipulate the imposter and his family. SHe really is a talented and smart woman.
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  • From ANON - Nat on February 05, 2006
    he loved this chppie really great like the way that they are starting to fool their imposters and they are totoally falling for it hope to see wedding bells in the near future? keep up the great writing and will look forward to another great chapter up from you soon i hope :-)
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  • From ANON - Emily Crane on February 05, 2006
    Finally, the moment that we've all been waiting for, Joviana vs. Valeria. (evil cackle) I can't wait.
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