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Reviews for Time Retreating

By : Ladykohl
  • From ANON - Monstar on September 27, 2005
    OMG!! i read your note in the beginning and thought "eh, I've seen the darker Anakin. show me something new." but i read the first chapter and was hooked!!! i love this story! great work !
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  • From ANON - Starrbrina on September 26, 2005
    I like that you revised it. I thought the ending needed a little explanation. Can not wait for the next chapters! Keep going. (P. S. I noticed that you changed her from wearing pants to a skirt nice touch)
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  • From ANON - Haden on September 25, 2005
    Your story has remained consistent and very well written. This is definately one of my favorites on this site.
    I love how your Anakin can be so cruel but still so loving. You can see that he only does what he does because he loves Padme so much. Wonderful work as always. Post soon!
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  • From ANON - malissa on September 25, 2005
    This story is very good ..i brings a diffrent side to anakin/padme's relationship..what wzs between the lines of the marriage and how they got together..KEEP workin on it..Love it!!
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  • From ANON - diz on September 23, 2005
    Good story!
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  • From ANON - Sexi Alexi on September 19, 2005
    More please?
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  • From ANON - Dru on September 19, 2005
    I have to chime in here on the previous reviewers question as to 'why must Padme marry Anakin?'. Putting aside the debate on 'why', the author is merely following canon, the history of this couple is already written. The author is merely flashing back to what has already happened, albeit by giving us more indepth, and therefore naughty, glimpses than Lucas did (praise be!). So I can't see that she is falling into any "trap" by following the way the story played out. Padme *did* marry Anakin - that's just what happene :-).
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  • From ANON - eridani on September 19, 2005
    And to think you were once going to give up on this story! I'm sooo glad you didn't.

    However, you're doing something seems to happen alot in this fandom... Why does Padme have to be so resigned to her fate? Why must she marry him? I'd love to see someone write something where she dosen't, just to see what could happen. My ideological differences aside, that was a great chapter, and I look forward to more.
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  • From ANON - mmfcfa on September 19, 2005
    At last, an update. Very well written. You captured the obsessive side of Anakin well.
    Don't take too long for the next installation.
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  • From ANON - Haden on September 19, 2005
    It's interesting how you switch back and forth between the chapters between the present time and the memories. It's very original. I love your Anakin, by the way. Where can I get one? *sigh* Wonderful chapter, as usual.
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  • From ANON - spuffylover on September 12, 2005
    omigoddddd, you have to update soon!!!!!It's soooo great, especially when Anakin told her she was his angel(sniff) Noone tells me that kinda stuff(bawling) Anyway I'm in love with your fic so please update soon!!!!!!!
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  • From ANON - eridani on September 07, 2005
    I really liked the conversation between Padme and Anakin in this chapter. The "I dont want to be that person" line and "I miss you" were veyr effective. Looking forward to the next chapter- by all means make it as dark as you can!
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  • From ANON - Laurachan (too lazy to login) on September 06, 2005
    I liked last chapter.... interesting and full of surprises ^^
    keep up the good work
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  • From ANON - Dru on September 05, 2005
    There is no 'had to be' only 'post more chapters at one time'!! LOL Interesting. I've always been a sucker for reincarnation stories. It's hard to feedback set up chapters, specifically SHORT set up chapters, but I will say you handled it well. There are a few typos, have you thought about getting a beta? These are the kinds of typos that Spell Check doesn't catch, like 'week' instead of 'weak', etc. Anyway, looking forward to the hopefully much longer chapters to come *hint hint* :-D
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  • From ANON - eridani on September 03, 2005
    Chapter 5 was really well done! There were some really fantastic lines that just worked fabulously- including the last line. I thought Anakin's implicit expression of guilt was really good- in typical Anakin fashion, wouldn't come out and admit what he'd done was wrong, but communicated to her he was sorry all the same. Well done! Another thing, before I forget- thank you for writing a Padme that doesn't immediately cave to all of Anakin's sexual advantages- it's nice to see a woman who thinks with her head. Really looking forward to reading the next post- btw, have you considered joining AAEF (yahoo group that specialises in this pairing)? I'm sure the rest of the group would appreciate this story.

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