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Reviews for Factors to be Considered

By : glawar
  • From LadyNarutoChan on April 19, 2009
    Nice story, Reed is so cute ! lol Hope you will update it soon...
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  • From Aresy on June 26, 2007
    Very good fanfic of the 2 guys. ^_^ I love it, hehe i found myself smiling many times, it was quite funny. Keep it up! Please write the next chapter soon. ^^
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  • From alyssia333 on June 17, 2007
    yay a very very appreciated johnny/Reed yay
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  • From ANON - Alessan on July 15, 2006
    Beautiful story! (Don't know how a story can be beautiful, but oh, well). It's wonderful! There's not enough slash to go around! And I like the way you write in the flashbacks with Reed's current perspective on it.
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  • From ANON - Newtype on January 31, 2006
    Sweet. . .now can we beat the bad guy downa dn get back to eth suger sweet slashy goodness?

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  • From ANON - LittleMouse on January 24, 2006
    your story is way cool, hope u update soon. I think Reed is so cute all absentminded...
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  • From ANON - Bitbyboth on December 16, 2005
    Good I like it! Update soon I really wanna see what happens to the two of them!
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  • From ANON - harakuserenity on December 10, 2005
    Ep. I loved it. Please update soon. ^-^
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  • From ANON - kat f. on October 22, 2005
    Waaah!!! Evil cliffhanger! You need to write more! Please!
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  • From ANON - Rei Nohara on September 02, 2005
    This fic is SO great. It has action, mystery, humor... and Reed Richards fantasycing about Johnny Storm! Don't even get me started about the kiss! I adore this fic, please continue soon ;) BTW sorry my spelling mistakes and stuff, this is not my native language.
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  • From ANON - Sarkywoman on September 01, 2005
    Oooh, maybe Dr Doom could take an interest in Johnny to get back at Reed? Sorry, just disappointed by the lack of Doom/Johnny fic *sigh* Loving this, though.
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  • From ANON - Aaron Richards on August 31, 2005
    PLEASE write more, I love this story!! I'm really eager for the rest, so don't leave me waiting and update it soon! :) I'll be checking every other day for a new chapter.
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  • From ANON - Prima Donna on August 28, 2005
    I loved it! Now I can't decide between Reed/Johnny or Ben/Johnny. Damn it! The scene in the hotel room when Johnny was warming him up...very nice. Please write more! I wanna see these two get it on!
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  • From ANON - Akaiwa on August 17, 2005
    OOoh, please please write more! I enjoyed the story beforehand, but this new chapter has made it even better. I'll be checking frequently for updates!
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  • From ANON - fani90 on August 10, 2005
    i love it!! soooo coool!!!its just!! wow!! i can't wait to find out what happens? Doom is in it! tight!! ^_^ i like him too!! hmmm...wonder what he is going ot do to them...hmmm....well, can't wait till you update! ta!!
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