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Reviews for The Thin Line

By : JayCeeBee
  • From kingme2121 on October 04, 2007
    i like it , possable pappy would do somthing like that to mara, and your true to luke charater as well. humane with with needs too, but understanding and kind once he knew why she so scared and decused. and leing her beat him. kike she did that was true love on his part

    great story
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  • From kjaydeck3 on January 16, 2006
    Your writing is great and this story is really interesting. I don't usually read multi-chapter stories, but loved your other one so I gave it a look. Sweet and sexy.
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  • From DMSandArica on January 04, 2006
    You finished it! w00t - thank you!! :) Wonderful ending! I wouldn't mind getting a certain blue-eyed Jedi alone with some stun cuffs and blissberry cream myself, LOL.

    I loved this line: "And every time they made love, she healed that much more."



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  • From ANON - DMS on January 03, 2006
    Oh yeah!!! I love that ending!!! Luke is now one happy man. Mara is making it up to him for all the lost time they spent just cuddling. LOL.

    WONDERFUL FIC!!! You are a fantastic writer!!

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  • From ANON - Prophecy Girl on January 03, 2006
    And, in what will seem to be a mirroring of your review of my latest, I do not normally read or enjoy Luke/Mara fics. I stick to the father, and avoid the son. That being said, I really enjoyed this piece. Your opening chapter sucked me in right away, and convinced me to keep reading.

    You have a very distinct, very effective writing style. Keep up the good work.

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  • From ANON - RM on November 15, 2005
    Ýou've captured the characters perfectly. I was intrigued to see someone finally explore the aftermath of what had to be a brutal life as the Emperor's Hand realistically. Bravo!! Very, very well done. I loved the character of Silver as well. Again, bravo.
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  • From ANON - I M Mara on September 10, 2005
    When will the epologue be up?
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  • From DMS88 on August 26, 2005
    Wow, really hot JayCee. So is this the end or are you going to write that epilogue you were thinking about? Wonderful fic, but all of your fics are wonderful. Great job!!!
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  • From DMSandArica on August 23, 2005
    LUV it!!!!! More? Please? ;)
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  • From ANON - Mara Look-a-like on August 22, 2005
    Yay, Finally. Please update soon.
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  • From ANON - DMS on August 22, 2005
    Wow!! Hot sex scene! Excellent chapter. I am glad she figured a way to get around her phobia.
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  • From ANON - NaughtyJedi on August 18, 2005
    I haven't read all of the chapters yet, but I LOVE what I've read so far! Bravo!
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  • From ANON - kayladie on August 18, 2005
    I love this story. It's such a realistic possibility of what Mara's psyche might have been like after dealing with the Emperor's twisted self all those years. But hopefully, Luke will be helping her heal! Great job!
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  • From ANON - AgiVega on August 15, 2005
    Poor Mara... and poor Luke (I can't say anything else just repeating this, LOL). I'm wondering what Mara is planning... I hope it's something that will really help them solve this... problem. Luke really needs to get laid at last!
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  • From ANON - ghostrider on August 14, 2005
    she is NOT gonna to do what i think she's gonna to do, is she?!?! cause if she does, i doubt even luke will be forgiving her anytime soon. he might be a understanding guy, but a guy has to have limits.
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