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Reviews for Good Help

By : Morrigan
  • From FrigidPrincess on November 01, 2007
    That was awesomely hot and funny! For some *strange* reason, something about Crane's seductive behaviour reminds me of Kitten from Breakfast on Pluto.
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  • From faerielanddreams on August 08, 2007
    HOLY FUCK, you fucking win at life. This kicked ass.
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  • From ANON - Apricot the Gerbil on September 14, 2006
    Let me begin with a bit of an apology. I had the good fortune of stumbling upon your fics several months ago, and was astonished that hardly anybody'd commented on the Secretary series yet. ...So, of course, I procrastinated like hell before returning to the "Batman Begins" section weeks later, determined to comment... only to find "Sessions One Through Ad Nauseum" waiting to blow my expectations out of the water all over again. [laughs]

    Anyhow-- I couldn't get your stories out of my mind, is the point. Your works bring this tired old fic-reader some hope, and each "Begins" fic you've done improves on those few inconsistencies in the stories before it-- almost as if "Fun and Games" was the warmup for the Secretary fics, which in turn worked out the kinks (no pun intended) between the Animated Series canon (which, awesome as it is, gels a bit awkwardly with "Begins" material) and your own expanded version of the movie's continuity, bringing us the standalone wonder that is "Sessions."

    So, here goes: some long-overdue reviews for the Secretary fics, before I try tackling one for "Sessions" (hopefully, I won't be making you want half as long for that one).

    >["]You’ll have armed guards crawling all over the building to make sure that he doesn’t try anything. It’ll be completely safe.”>

    Clever bit of foreshadowing, here. Armed guards won't do squat for him if the attacks coming his way are all psychological...

    >“He says that he’s an excellent typist.”
    “I think he has a great phone voice.”

    Nice that you can leave out who's talking for as long as you do and still have the conversation (and conversationalists) remain perfectly clear.

    >Jonathan Crane shrugged lightly in his straightjacket, his smile wide and disarming. He seemed like he was in a much better mood than the last time that Batman had seen him. Plus he didn’t have a scythe handy.>

    Now, here's a good example of the wittiness that makes me keep coming back for more Morri. It's so dry, slipped in like it's almost an afterthought. Which fits, really-- I can't picture Bale's Batman being a "grin on the outside" kind of humorist.

    >“Can’t I at least suck your dick?”
    “What?” Bruce was out of his seat and practically buried in the wall behind him.
    Jonathan stared at him quizzically, those luminous blue eyes drawing him in. “I said, can’t I at least see your schedule? I want to know what you’re doing today.”>

    Brilliant... holy crap, this is BRILLIANT. And just the kind of tactic he'd use, too. I was laughing my ass off!

    >silken mess>

    Nifty word choice for Crane's hair. Few other characters could have that description sound fitting, instead of just contradictory.

    >“I’m only here to serve,” Jonathan said, moving down onto the cock trapped beneath him.>

    Interesting how the Riddler'd be the new villain brought up at the beginning of the piece... Crane's quite skilled at giving words new and opposing meanings himself, here.

    >Of course Lucius Fox was standing there. That was the kind of life that Bruce had.
    “I hate to interrupt your meeting, Bruce, but it’s time for Dr. Crane to get back to Arkham.” The vague amusement in Fox’s voice was completely unwelcome. Bruce wished briefly that he could fire the man and not feel guilty over it. And still be able to run his company.>

    There's that wit again...

    >As soon as the two left, Bruce let his head slide once more facedown onto his desk. After a moment he began to lift it up before dropping it again on the hard wood, repeating the motion slowly. It was little comfort.>

    Image of Batman resorting to headdesking = WIN. A hundred times win.

    >["]Mr. Wayne definitely prefers brunets.”>

    YES! A fanfic writer spelled it RIGHT! Thankyouthankyouthankyou ahhhh~~

    >The Scarecrow paused, considering. “And penises.”>


    Nice, also, how written mentions of "Crane" become "Scarecrow" as soon as he's back in the asylum. He can be 'himself,' superiority complex and all!

    Onto the next one...
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  • From ANON - RAWR on November 20, 2005
    Right so I read this--> 'Dr. Jonathan Crane walked sedately' as Dr. Jonathan Crane winked seductively
    You have permenantly corrupted my brain.

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  • From ANON - Maggie on November 03, 2005
    Are you gonna continue this? Pllleaaaase continue this. If you don't, I'll cry, and no one want's to see that.
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  • From ANON - Klebkat on October 11, 2005
    XD This will be good.

    I think Bruce is slightly out of character, but whatever, they're all loony in Arkem.
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  • From ANON - xidaer on September 16, 2005
    OMG! that was soooo evil and soooo hot. More more more! please? don't starve your public, we luv you and your naughty naughty plots. they keep the rest of us out of arkham. And what is going to be proof of bruce's affections? O.< ...i think a hickey would be rather tame.

    much luv, waiting for more
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  • From on August 19, 2005
    If you don't write more I swaer I'll sic my raviness flesh eating gay men on you!!!
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  • From ANON - Dragon on August 03, 2005
    u think we can get some ducard and crane goin' on?
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  • From ANON - Yaoi Goddess on July 30, 2005
    That was SOOO HAWT!
    Keep goin'!! omg! That was only ONE DAY? I can't even imagine THE REST OF THE WEEK!!!
    AND WHY WASN'T BRUCE'S DOOR LOCKED?? it's HIS bloody office, is it not!?!?
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  • From ANON - Cato on July 28, 2005
    reading this brings me much happiness. i beg you for more hotness.
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  • From ANON - DarlingTeapot on July 27, 2005
    wow, sexy... well written too. that's not a bad combo at all :)

    please write more, babe.
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  • From ANON - Dragon on July 27, 2005
    OOOOHH! EVIL! Walkin' out, leavin' Brucey with a boner. That is so bad. And after all the readers were so hoping they would just get it on like rabbid bunnies. Hehe...You're going to finish this right? You're going to upset a few people if you don't. Myself being one of them.
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  • From ANON - Anon on July 26, 2005
    Oh too too too too too too good to be true. You simply must continue this. Absolute perfection!
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  • From ANON - sapphirexkat2 on July 26, 2005
    ooh! Are you gonna continue this?! Please do!
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