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Reviews for Clutching My Cure

By : Adair
  • From ANON - shanobi on September 22, 2005
    Again, it must be said how superbly you are handling the emotions of all the involved characters. I love that I am aware of what they are all feeling at all times - and why. This is a very complex situation and circumstance - and you are doing such a good job and it is showing in your character interactions.

    Whether he knows it or not - Obi-Wan has got the support of all three to help him through his hurt and anger. Let's hope he takes advantage of it.

    Very much looking forward to the conversation between Xan and Qui. Hope to see more soon.


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  • From ANON - Anon on September 21, 2005
    what a dreadful conversation this will be!! ARG! I can't wait!! Arg!!!

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  • From ANON - shanobi on September 14, 2005
    Absolutely wonderful, Adair!

    I've said it before, but it must be said again. I just love the dynamics here of all the characters and how you are handling them. The emotions of each are displayed so wonderfully - there is never any doubt as to how each of them are feeling, and why.

    This last part with Obi struggling in Xan's arms and the tenderness of his kiss - even while being hurt and betrayed himself was so wonderfully done. I loved it.

    You are such a gifted author. Did I tell you I miss reading your work? I know I did. Of course that was before you directed me to this wonderful gem.

    I anxiously await more my friend. Don't you dare tell me this is drawing to an end - I could read this endlessly :)

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  • From ANON - Durnar on September 14, 2005
    Hoo... O_o .This is exellent! We want more,we want more! I have searched long time good Xanatos/Obi-Wan fic and finally found it.The pairing seems to be rather rare... I love the way you write them and that this have something else than only mindless sex. When we can wait for more? Well damn good work *applaud*. =)
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  • From Adair on September 13, 2005
    Hi Shan. Glad you're enjoying this story still. I'm having fun writing it. I hope I can bring these four to some type of satisfactory resolution. Although this version of Obi is being a very bad boy and I think I need to explore his actions and reactions a bit more. lol Thanks for reading doll.
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  • From ANON - shanobi on September 11, 2005
    **Qui-Gon Jinn was the past. Obi-Wan Kenobi was the future**

    I found this line especially enjoyable. There is absolutely no doubt now as to where Xan's heart lies. He knows it, we know it - and Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan are soon to realize it.

    Lovely confrontation, I liked the obvious chemistry that still pulses between the two.

    You're handling all the emotions in this very well. Jinn is obviously torn and is not the cold bastard that is sometimes painted. He made a mistake that he tried to correct - only he was too late.

    I'm looking forward to how things progress for Obi-Wan. He's going to have alot to deal with emotionally. Thank goodness Xan is there for him- and I suspect Qui and Bruck will be factors in helping him to heal also. It's going to be a challenge to write (atleast it would be for me :D) However, I have complete faith in you and am looking forward to each and every post to come. Great writing - great fic!

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  • From ANON - shanobi on September 05, 2005
    Loved every sinlge line in this post, Adair.

    Wonderfully angsty and heartfelt interactions! The tender kiss Xan gave Obi, Obi's reactions to Bruck's words and his request - all very well done.

    Poor Obi! Having to go through what he did when he left M/D. No wonder he is so upset. I'm sure just hearing that is going to tear Qui up. It's going to be really hard, but I hope he can put it behind him and accept what Xan is offering him.

    Next few parts should be interesting. Love how you've stayed true to all the characters but have really made them your own. Great writing.

    Can't wait for more!

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  • From ANON - shanobi on August 31, 2005
    That last line was very telling - I love it! Wonderfully done, Adair. I thought it was great that even with the drugs Bruck was given that he still had the mindset to make the decision himself - and that Obi and Xan gave him that opportunity.

    It was also very touching that Obi didn't swallow Bruck's release - saving that as an act reserved for Xan alone.

    I'd say Bruck will wake up in the morning very willingly debauched :D If they actually get any sleep that is.

    Loved it.

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  • From ANON - shanobi on August 26, 2005
    Oh, those two. I'd love to just bang their heads together and tell them to smarten up, but what fun would that be? :)

    Beautiful angst in this one, Adair. I felt for both of them.

    It's really going to stir things up when Qui gets in the mix. I'm looking forward to it. I'm loving this btw. Keep up the good work!

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  • From ANON - Birdy on August 26, 2005
    Enter the fucked up relationship. Poor Bruck! And Poor Xan. Those two should hook up :P. Awesome awesome fic Adair!
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  • From ANON - bek on August 24, 2005
    Thanks for the links and of course I'm hooked! :) I find the relationship between Obi and Xan a bit frustrating in that Obi is still clinging to the past and unable to move on with what Xan is offering. Big messup with Bruck! :( I too hope that Xan understands that Obi-Wan is still feeling the hurt from a betrayal learned too young. :) Good job with this, can't wait for the next chapter!
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  • From ANON - Kynstar on August 22, 2005
    Those two... oh man do they got it coming soon! Poor guys :( both too stubborn to talk it out. Typical of those two!!

    Can't wait for the reunion with Qui though! Oh my... now that is going to be interesting! Poor Bruck... I feel for him too poor guy.

    Great chapter! Full of emotion!
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  • From Adair on August 22, 2005
    Thanks guys! Posts may be a bit slower for awhile. I need to decide where these boys are headed. lol Plus Jinn enters the picture next and we all know how much I love writing him. NOT!
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  • From ANON - Kynstar on August 18, 2005
    How could you leave it at that? :p hehehehe Ohhh so the two are gonna give into their desires? *mischief grin*

    Poor Xan... does he feel a mite bit jealous? :D

    Great chapter!
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  • From ANON - Loki on August 18, 2005
    "Shut up!" Bruck’s enraged scream echoed off the walls, his chest rising and falling with labored breaths. “You always were a filthy, disgusting, excuse for a person, Kenobi. It’s no wonder Master Qui-Gon left you to rot on Melida/Daan. He should have done the galaxy a favor and killed you when he had the chance.”

    Oooooh, BURN! That was perfect! I love Bruck in this story, he's so damn cool. And of course, I love that he and Obi-Wan have some heat between them. :D Wasn't expecting that to be a factor!
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