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Reviews for Clutching My Cure

By : Adair
  • From ANON - Lori on October 09, 2005
    I'm loving this story! Although you write the sex scenes amazingly well, it's the love story that has me hooked.

    I was touched that Bruk loves Obi so much that he's willing to tell Xan how to make Obi stay. Poor Xan... :-(

    I can't wait to see how this all turns out!
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  • From Adair on October 09, 2005
    Thanks for the lovely replies. I'm nervous about the detour but I think it will make for some interesting reading. I figure things can't be that easy for our stubborn boys. Plus to be honest, I'm enjoying this Bruck and want to explore him a little further. Just hope you all enjoy the journey as well. :)
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  • From ANON - shanobi on October 08, 2005

    Well - Now i'm curious, and ever so slightly nervous.

    Obi's proclomation was a surprise, to say the least. I liked that he caught Xan off guard though.

    I sense there is still much to work out between Obi and Qui, yet I can't help but think Obi may still be testing Xan, to see if Xan will really let him go.

    Those boys are just so stubborn. Obi doesn't want to admit his love and Xan doesn't want to ask him to stay. Lovely angst :)

    The shower scene was both hot and (bitter)sweet. It really did seem like a good bye on Obi's part. Poor Xan, climbing into bed all hearbroken with a bottle - I so wanted to climb right in with him and comfort him ;)

    Okay - so you took a little turn/detour with this. I don't mind at all when the journey is as enjoyable as this fic has turned out to be - as long as we still remember that the destination is still ultimately Xan/Obi and some happily ever after with great sex along the way ;-)

    Can't wait to see where you take them next! Soon?

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  • From ANON - silver on October 08, 2005
    very sweet, but i'm a little confused, who does Obi-Wan love? Xanatos or Bruck? oh well, 'tis a very good story!
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  • From Adair on October 07, 2005
    Thanks Lina and Shan. :) The feedback helps a lot. So....this story went and took an unexpected turn on me. Don't ask why. I just hope this new direction ends up working. [face_nervous]
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  • From ANON - lina on October 06, 2005
    :P I can't keep up with all this men kissing!! hehe Ok, that's a lie. Yes I can. :)

    Bruck is sweet, but I feel bad for Xan and Obi-Wan. This next chapter will either be Xan kicking the crap out of them or one big orgy :D
    hihi just kidding.

    Love the story, keep it up! And thanks.
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  • From ANON - shanobi on October 05, 2005
    Uh-Oh! This is not going to be pretty, is it?

    I could just imagine Xan's tone of voice in my head, it doesn't bode well for Obi-Wan at all - or any of them actually.

    Now you've got me all tense and nervous! What's Xan going to do? I'm breathless with anticipation - seriously. I'll be back daily until you post again.

    Nice dialogue there at the end btw ;-)

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  • From ANON - ladylina on October 03, 2005

    I love this Xanathos :) wow...
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  • From ANON - shanobi on October 01, 2005
    Okay - so it wasn't the next day, but it was quick enough as there was a new chapter waiting the next time I managed to make it back here ;)

    Lovely transitional chapter, and does serve to show that edge that Xan still has. Good time to show it - as his affections for Obi did somewhat soften his image. It's good to know that someone can penetrate his heart, but it was also nice to have that reminder that Xan is a fallen Jedi and is not prone to the same rules and ethics that bind Qui and Bruck. He's a bad boy - and all the sweeter and more appealing for it ;-)

    You do a great job writing him, so cold on the surface but has obvious vulnerability when it comes to Obi. I very much enjoyed his thoughts during this post. Can't wait for more. Keep up the good work, girl!

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  • From Adair on September 30, 2005
    Shan- Not quite the next day. lol I decided I needed to remind myself that Xan was a bad boy. Enjoy!
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  • From ANON - shanobi on September 28, 2005
    Wow - I swear, you just get better and better with each chapter. This new found connection between Obi and Bruck is so good, and done so well. I just loved the last line, Bruck so touched by the way Obi was looking at him - with respect and trust. I just wanted to say, "Awwwwwww...." It was quite sweet - and that's not a word I ususally associate with our Mr. Chun :D

    And Bruck's observations were very enlightening. I have to wonder if they'll actually have an impact. I hope so, though Obi seems to be his worst enemy in this little(not so) fic of yours.

    Oh - and what a tease with the opening! Great scene, but I see why it had to be a dream. Can't wait for more! You're on a roll - I half expect to come back here tomorrow and see another chapter ;-)

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  • From ANON - shanobi on September 26, 2005
    I must say that this was a very satisfying chapter. Obi-Wan is slowly coming to realize what he could lose and is wondering if his revenge is really worth it.

    I loved the beach scene - nice imagery. And also liked that he went to Bruck for comfort. I sense Xan is in a torment all of his own, but this tough love approach is exactly what Obi-Wan needed I think.

    The final scene with Bruck and Obi was very nice. Bruck's thought process was very realistic and in character for how you've portrayed him so far. However, the fact that he didn't act on it and truly thought of Obi's best interest was so 'evolved' of him and shows his true Jedi nature. I found myself happy for him that he gets to have this night with Obi in his arms.

    Now I have to wonder if Xan is going to come across this and get all hurt and there will be more misunderstandings and emotional turmoil. . . I'm torn as to whether or not that would be a good thing or not ;)

    Wonderful - i'm lovin every chapter, Adair.

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  • From Adair on September 25, 2005
    You're so sweet Shan. :) I need to drop you a note about that other site and the poor abandoned story sitting there. :( As for this one, the boys have some tough times ahead. For anyone who may be wondering, chapter 21 has some sex in it. Sort of. lol
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  • From ANON - Shanobi on September 23, 2005
    **Once. A simple word and yet it had the power to cause indescribable pain.**

    Aint that the truth. Poor Qui, Poor Xan - but most of all, poor Obi! What in the blazes is Xan up to? That last part sure sounded a lot like he was ready to give up on our Obi. And I know that you just wouldn't do that to me. You're making me nervous, but i'm going to trust you a while longer.

    The kiss between Qui and Xan was a nice touch. A final token to remember for Qui - and an unmistakable realization for Xan. I really wasn't expecting Obi to walk in - though I should have I guess ;)

    What happens next will be pivitol for my favorite Jedi. Can't wait to see what you've got planned for the sexy duo.

    Great writing - and thanks so much for the quick and regular updates. I'd glare at some others for not doing the same, but they're not here to notice ;) Later.


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  • From Adair on September 23, 2005
    Durnar- Thanks! I agree the pairing is all too rare. It’s hard finding enough good Xan/Obi fics. So thrilled you’re enjoying.

    Anon- The conversation won’t be too bad but it may lead to other things.

    Shan- Hi dear. I’m pleased that the relationships are making sense and clear. I actually have two posts done and seem to be moving well as far as writing. Hope I can keep ya coming back.

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