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Reviews for Clutching My Cure

By : Adair
  • From ANON - silentvondel on November 22, 2005
    I remember reading the first part of this wonderful story a long time ago at m_a and being disappointed that there was no more of it. Imagine my joy to find it here. I adore this story and am always checking back to see if my next fix is up yet. It's the true romance that thrills me and its not soppy! Love that Obi is not making it easy for Xan it will make the final surrender all the sweeter.

    Looking forward to more soon and to finding out what is written on the gold. I bet it will really floor our reluctant lover but hey - what do I know.

    p.s. you are the only writer you has been able to make me like Bruck.

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  • From ANON - blu_dragon on November 21, 2005
    I love this story its one of my favorites. I always look forward to when u update. I hope your feeling better also. I cant wait for u to update again. Please do it soon.
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  • From ANON - Lori on November 21, 2005
    Wow....just .....Wow.... Such a short chapter, but I think it's one of my favorites!

    After turning down Xani, this came as a total surprise. I wonder if Xan will somehow be able to 'sense' this kiss?

    I'm really looking forward to Obi's meetings with Bant and Yoda!

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  • From ANON - shanobi on November 20, 2005
    Now that was a surprise! Never saw that one coming - but I have to admit, I really, REALLY liked it. Pretty damn hot, girl! Sweet on Eitan's part and very thorough on Obi's :D Definately my favorite part of that particular post - The Eitan and Obi smooch ;-)

    I feel for Obi where Bruck is concerned too. Granted, I do want Bruck and Garen to be together and Xan and Obi - but it does kind of seem that Bruck abandoned him awfully quickly. I mean does he love Obi, or did he just think that he loved Obi??

    Very appropriate place for Obi to go to get away from Xan. I'm glad it was his decision to go. I'm really looking forward to the Bant and Yoda conversations.

    Chapter 40? Wow - you go girl! I haven't enjoyed a slash fic this much in a loooong while. Bring on the mush - I have complete faith in your ability to balance the mush. Mush is good :D

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  • From Adair on November 20, 2005
    Thanks Lori and Shan. :) I'm giving you this post since it's a short set up post. The next one may be a few days in coming. One because my vacation is over Tuesday, and two because it's going to be tougher to write. Don't want to tip the mush scales with it. lol
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  • From ANON - shanobi on November 20, 2005
    What a way to wake up!

    I thought you handled this perfectly. I loved that Xan remained calm in the face of Obi's anger. "I wont give up." Thats exactly what I wanted to hear him say. It's exactly what Obi wanted to hear him say too - even though he wont yet admit it.

    You started the scene out beautifully. Those two are so hot together :) Xan was everything he needed to be here -his own hurt was also very prevalent. I was wondering about the necklace - if Obi was still wearing it, and what the meaning behind it was. Can't wait to find out.

    Again - Bruck and Garen, very humorous. Somehow I sense this cute bickering will always be a part of their relationship. Though someday it would be nice to see them put some of their childhood issues to rest and recognize their feelings for each other - if not here, than a viggie perhaps? :D

    Oh - and what a sweetie you are, Adair. I was here friday night, exactly as I said I would be - and I was not disappointed. Unfortunately I was unable to review until today. Sorry! You are the update Queen and I bow at your feet. No one else, to my knowledge, can match you. Keep up the good writing :)

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  • From ANON - Lori on November 18, 2005
    Mmmmm...what a delicious way to wake up. Talk about a dream 'come' true. (Booo...bad joke, I know. I just couldn't resist.) :p

    Why can't Obi's head figure out what his heart and the rest of his body already know?!?!?! Stubborn ass!

    Speaking of asses, I was laughing mine off reading Heckle and Jeckle blaming each other for not hearing Xan enter the apartment. Ha!

    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


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  • From ANON - shanobi on November 16, 2005
    Enter XanMan indeed :D I loved it!

    There was something so very sweet about Xan curling up with Obi-Wan, just so happy to be near him. And for once - it wasn't sexual. Well, he wanted his young lover of course, but it was nice to see him put that aside and focus on deeper feelings.

    Not only am I curious about Obi's reaction, but Bruck and Garen's as well. Should be very interesting come morning.

    I'm glad Eitan gave Xan a little warning - and I hope it's not the last we see of the tall dark and handsome Jedi.

    I was expecting a Xan post, but not a Xan/Obi post - so i'm extremely happy with this :D Now selfish little me wants MORE! Soon would be nice, but I know you've got others things going. And to be honest, you blow everyone else away with these quick updates - so I certainly can't complain. Back on friday ;-)

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  • From ANON - Lori on November 16, 2005
    Ahhhhh! Even though all Hell is going to break loose when Obi wakes up, I'm thrilled that Xani gets to spend one more night of comfort in Obi's arms. Sigh...that was lovely!

    I'm going to make some popcorn and pull up a chair to read your next chapter. I've always loved fireworks and the sparks between our boys should be good!

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  • From ANON - Rian on November 16, 2005
    Oh, I'm so excited to see Obi-Wan's reaction when he wakes up! He goes to sleep thinking about him and wakes up with him...that's a neat trick.
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  • From ANON - LadyExcalibur on November 16, 2005
    ARGH! I wanted to have hot make-up sex scene! But I loved this chapter anyway! Now, when do they get to have hot make-up sex????
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  • From Adair on November 16, 2005
    Lori- Something tells me that Obi won’t be as eager as Bruck and Garen were.

    Rian- This time away from Obi has done wonders for Xan. I think he knows just what he wants. Doesn’t mean he won’t have a battle on his hands.

    Shan- Eitan and Garen hum? Interesting! I think Obi will find some comforting, although he may not be happy about it. Enter Xanman.

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  • From ANON - shanobi on November 15, 2005
    Chapter 37 Review:

    Tried leaving a review sunday, but site problems thwarted me :D

    Wonderful interactions between Garen, Obi, Bruck and Eitan. Bruck and Garen are not only hot together, they are actually quite humorous in their stubborn denial of obvious attraction. I enjoyed Eitan's comments and observations of the three friends. The tussle between Bruck and Garen was funny and well done, as was their mutual tumble back into the room.

    Vow of chastity for Eitan? What a bummer. This is so not a hint, but I could almost see Eitan and Garen as a very interesting pairing ;-)

    Chapter 38 Review:

    So Obi is missing Xan, but not really wanting to. Our poor Obi is so confused. Yes, I think working out some of these other issues will help him feel more stable and secure.

    It was sweet how he started the process of realization for Bruck and Garen, and so sad that he is so lonely in the next room. I'd love to see them go curl up with him for the night....when they are finished of course ;)

    The suspense is mounting, but in a good way. I'm dying for more Xan and whatever his next move is....but its definately a sweet wait. This pairing has got to be my absolute favorite, and with you pulling the strings - it threatens to be (almost) too much for me :D Keep up the good work - can't wait for more.

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  • From ANON - Rian on November 15, 2005
    : ) This made me smile. I'm glad to see Obi-wan taking responsibility...seeing potential for someone he's grown to care about. I'm also glad to see him missing Xan. It's good that you set aside a moment of longing instead of anger...will we see a similar moment with Xan? Can't wait to see what Xan is up to.
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  • From ANON - Lori on November 14, 2005
    Purrrrrrr! Obi as the puppet master was simply delicious.

    Maybe Eitan will serve the same role for Obi and Xan? Nah, they're not through suffering yet. :p

    I can't wait for the next chapter!


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