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Reviews for Clutching My Cure

By : Adair
  • From ragincajun1980 on June 10, 2007
    Wonderful Story...took me a while to chew through...but yeah, wonderful.
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  • From ANON - silver on January 09, 2006
    aww, a beautiful ending! i loved the whole story!!!
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  • From ANON - Rian on January 03, 2006
    Thank you, Adair, for creating a wonderful story. Your epilogue was very nice and I loved Eitan. I'm glad to see a little rift still remains between Bruck and Xan. I think it's only natural for it to exist. Xan's protectiveness over Eitan made me smile. Thanks for making me an Obi/Xan fan.
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  • From Adair on January 01, 2006
    I just wanted to take a minute to thank all of you for reading and a special thanks for those who reviewed. This was a new experience for me writing a long slash story and posting to a site where reviews are few. I've enjoyed the experience and hope I gave you a story that was entertaining and well written. I look forward to doing this again in the future. Thanks all! Adair
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  • From ANON - silver on December 29, 2005
    beautiful! i'm glad they know what they are doing! what do the words mean then? or did Xan explain them and i forgot? .... oh well excellent story!
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  • From ANON - Rian on December 28, 2005
    I know I should be happy that they're happy...and I am. This was a very nice chapter. They've figured it all out. I like how Xan is still a little jealous of's something that wouldn't go away quite so quickly. You did a good job of illustrating his remaining issues. However, I'm so sad that I won't have an Obi/Xan fix for who knows how long. Please email me if you ever decide to write another...even if it's not NC-17. Good luck with your Obi/Anakin story.
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  • From ANON - Lori on December 24, 2005
    "Heart, body and soul" Perfect......absolutely perfect!!!!

    This was a double treat for me tonight. Two amazingingly sweet and very hot chapters.

    When Obi dropped his shields, I got a little misty eyed. When Xani admitted to his insecurities, my heart broke for him. When they made love at the end, my whole body sighed with contentment.

    I had such high expectations for this reunion and you managed to surpass them.

    Happy Holidays!

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  • From ANON - Rian on December 23, 2005
    Very nice, Adair. The lowering of Obi-Wan's shields was a particularly nice touch. I'm wondering if you're going to go into the changes Obi has undergone and Xan's reaction to them. You hinted on them a little here. Overall I think Xan would like the new Obi-Wan. He's more mature and capable of a lifetime relationship. It would be kind of neat to see a "years from now" look at the two of them enjoying the simple pleasures of life together. Looking forward to the translation of the bracelets. I find it interesting that Xan didn't want to tell him at that point in time...very curious. Great work.
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  • From ANON - silentvondel on December 20, 2005
    This chapter left me with a lovely warm feeling in more than one sense. Very well done.

    I was wondering after a previous chapter how Xan would feel about this new mature Obi so different superficially to the needy youth from the beginning. That relationship was tempestuous and fiery but would probably have come undone before too long. Now i feel their relationship will be much more secure but hopefully not dull so that you will feel inspired to write a sequel. Please, please, please.

    Now we still have to find out what is inscribed on those armbands before we say farewell to this wonderful story.

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  • From ANON - Rian on December 16, 2005
    Bruck and Garen make a fun couple. I'm glad Bruck has the opportunity to be with someone that his feelings can be fully reciprocated. Although, "feelings" will have to wait until Garen has a few more lessons. Kind of funny that Xan was the one to teach Obi-Wan how to make love. *sigh* so sad this is coming to an end.
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  • From ANON - Lori on December 15, 2005
    Ha! I loved it. Garen should be on his hands and knees thanking Obi and Xan for teaching Bruck so much. Learning the difference between being sexual and being sensual is a HUGE step. I can't wait to see how well Garen is able to put this new knowledge to work. :p

    It's been days?!?!?! That was a shocker. Well....maybe not. Xani needs to show Obi that he won't be dictated to, but I bet it's been killing him to be apart from now that Obi has confessed his love.

    I couldn't be happier about where this story is going! I'm really looking forward to finding out what the necklace says.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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  • From Adair on December 15, 2005
    Yikes. A post and several reviews got eaten. Ah well.

    Shan- I haven’t seen you at the other sire lately. Hope all is well.

    Sarkywoman- Thank you. I tried to make it believable considering the subject matter and it being very AU.

    Rian- I think Xan and Obi have both matured. Let’s hope they remember that once face-to-face again. Lol

    Lori- Sorry to distract you. ;) I’m praying I can bring this all to a very satisfying conclusion.

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  • From ANON - Lori on December 13, 2005
    I promised myself that I was going to stay fanfic free until all of my Christmas sewing was done, but I just couldn't stay away from this story!

    Sigh...even though the tension was high, the love these two have for one another came shining through. I love how at peace Obi was and how vulnerable he was willing to be for Xan. Perfect!

    I can't wait for Xani's response.

    You da (wo)man! :p

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  • From ANON - Rian on December 12, 2005
    I'm already smiling at what Xan's reaction will be when he realizes that Obi-Wan just told him he loved him. I thought the entire exchange was very mature of Obi-Wan. He accepted his role in the events so far. This has all been a good (humbling) experience for Xan. He's so used to being in control and Obi-Wan really shook things up since entering his life. Now everything lies in Xan's lap. Hopefully he handles it a little better than the last time he was given this opportunity. Great job!
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  • From ANON - Sarkywoman on December 09, 2005
    This is such a good story. Problems are realistic, not just resolved with a wave of the force.
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