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Reviews for The Au Pair's Diaries

By : Aspasia
  • From IllusionsInBlood on October 21, 2007
    That was really funny, I laughed at loud quite a few times. I'm a L/M fan, but I still found this funny.
    And I liked your OC, btw.

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  • From kingme2121 on October 01, 2007

    yea right , now thats off your chest , luke mara haters,

    how about one about han ans leia,

    ; stop that my hands are dirty:
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  • From ANON - Anon on July 04, 2005
    Pity. The L/M pairing is so ripe for parody.

    Maybe next time.
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  • From Aspasia on July 02, 2005
    Thank you DMS! It's a high compliment coming from a Luke/Mara fan. I may write some other diaries around this event from Luke and Mara's perspective and from Artoo's (my hero) perspective. I haven't decided yet.
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  • From ANON - DMS on June 30, 2005
    I am a big Luke/Mara fan, but I have to say I found this story funny. Keep up the good work.

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  • From Aspasia on June 26, 2005
    Oh, I wanted to add one more question in regards to your statement that the main character is unlikeable. I wonder, do you would prefer a Mary Sue character? Misia was written intentionally to NOT be a Mary Sue character. What you are reading in her diary is a reaction to what SHE sees in that household. The story is from her POV only, which is the entire point that you obviously missed. Also I am venturing that you have not read many stories where the main character is not likeable and is not necessarily supposed to be likeable. Perhaps you can broaden your scope by reading such books and stories were the protagonist is an anti-hero or just plain unlikeable. Nonetheless it is still THEIR story. The eponymous character of the novel "Emma" is unlikeable because she's a spoiled brat. But it's still her story. In the very fandom this story takes place in, the Star Wars saga, is about Anakin Skywalker who is by no stretch of the imagination well-received by all before or after his fall from grace. Many Shakespeare characters, though protagonists, are extremely unlikeable; for instance the eponymous character of the "Scottish play" and his wife. But once again, it is their story.

    Additionally, I wanted to address your statement about the form of the diary. It's a diary. Taking into consideration your comment I'm assuming that if you keep a diary or journal of any kind, it is always grammatically correct. Unless they are being kept for grading in English class, diaries are personal and informal. Misia's diary is no different. She is not recording her memoirs for publishing by the leading publishing house of the galaxy. It's personal. Language in diaries, therefore, is on the whole informal. Most people understand that about personal journals/diaries.

    Terribly sorry about this two-pronged response. When I read your review the first time, it was very, very early in the morning and so I just gave a short response. However I have had time to organize what I was going to say in response to your review, which, by the way, I still appreciate. I am glad you enjoyed Artoo's pivotal role in the fic as he has become my hero after seeing Revenge of the Sith.
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  • From Aspasia on June 26, 2005

    Well, I'll start off nicely. Firstly, thank you for your review. Secondly, could you highlight which words I misspelled that were not intentionally misspelled for the purpose of depicting the diarist as being intoxicated? Lastly, if you can't do that please retract that part of your review. I don't mind constructive criticism, but I do mind people who misread and then comment based on that. Thanks much!
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