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Reviews for The Padawan Screamed

By : danslenfer
  • From RyuaAlba on August 29, 2008
    Well... that was hot. I don't usually go for youngling fics... but that was definately hot.
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  • From ANON - darth_aquafina on October 09, 2005
    normally i'm not into Ani/Qui porn, but yours its an exceptional one
    Make more!
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  • From danslenfer on July 27, 2005
    ETA: The written word is protected under the First Amendement.
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  • From danslenfer on July 27, 2005
    Guinestasia, see my comment above. :)
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  • From ANON - Guinastasia on July 26, 2005
    Dude, you're writing kiddy porn. That's NOT cool. It's also illegal and could get this site in trouble.
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  • From danslenfer on July 21, 2005
    A reply to the gracious reviewer above. I am not a 40 year old balding man, rest assured. I am significantly younger than that, and I write disturbing fanfic, because I fancy myself somewhat of a rebel. I don't want to be popular. I hate mass mentality and the herding syndrome that seems to affect most human beings. I also clearly stated that I do not condone this kind of action.

    I did write this as a statement though. There is a plethora of fic out there that involves murder, senseless violence, rape, drug abuse etc. All of these things are illegal as well, yet none of the authors writing that sort of stuff get flamed. Why is one crime acceptable to write and another not? You tell me. I also want to point out that just because you write a murder scene, that does not make you a murder. Just because I wrote about child molestation doesn't mean I am a child molestor. Food for thought there.
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  • From ANON - Anon on July 13, 2005
    Most people want to read something like this for two reasons.

    1. They think it might be Anakin older.
    2. Sheer, pure, curiosity. It's human nature.

    I, myself, was dared to read it. Just like someone would have the urge to look upon something grotesque. The story was well written. And you do have a knowledge of the Star Wars universe. However, THIS leads me to wonder if you are a younger adult or a scary 40 year old balding man sitting around in his underwear in his mothers basement. In either case, its not right for old men to be seducing young boys. I was reminded of the Michael Jackson accusations reading this. Your opening was clear enough. No harm, no foul, if this was something of a 'hey, i dare you to write a fic about this' kind of deal just to see people's reactions. (which i admit is kind of fun) Being shocking is controversial is fun to an extent but when it is something like this that breaks laws.... then we have an issue. I was sad that you do not have any other work posted because that makes you look like you either you are another author under a different name because you were ashamed (which i understand if it was somewhat of a joke) or you're just some sick person...

    You could be a great fan fic writer if you wrote about something the masses wouldn't put to flame. Your writing was very good. Please write something people won't throw up over.
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  • From ANON - jaymalfoypotter on July 09, 2005
    I honestly think I would have enjoyed that more if Anakin had not been nine years old thank you very much. But none the less it was indeed well written. Even if it had been Obi-wan who had de-virginised an nine year old Anakin, I still think I would have felt a little squicked. But I can not complain I knew what I was getting my self in for as soon as I read the summary.
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  • From ANON - mostflogged on June 23, 2005
    Why oh why do I love stories where Anakin sneaks into a Jedi Masters bed and then gets molested? Or in some cases, molests? This was, as the general consences appears to be, suprisingly well written. But I thought it didn't feel dirty enough, considering what it was, not sure how to make something literary dirty, but it was enjoyable none the less.
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  • From ANON - \"nemo\" on June 22, 2005
    This is like that dude who displayed pickled animal fetuses and called it art (what is his name again?). Sheer shock value to make the jaded masses feel something...anything, even horror.
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  • From on June 22, 2005
    Erm, sick, but well-written. If you were to write a story about two adult characters, *cough*YayforAnakin/Obi-Wan*cough* I would definitely read it! ^^
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  • From ANON - let\'s just say.. anonymous on June 22, 2005
    The content's not really my cup'o tea.. But it's surprisingly well written.
    You seem to have a pretty good grasp of the Star Wars universe, and there's little to complain about when it comes to vocabulary, or grammar.
    Have you ever considered writing a story with characters of consensual age?
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  • From ANON - Puppy on June 22, 2005
    You sick fuck!!! That is not slash, that is child molestation.
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  • From ANON - Anon on June 22, 2005
    You should probably kill yourself.
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  • From ANON - Rose on June 22, 2005
    If you're consciously trying to compromise the slash community with blatant children pornography, you're on your best way.
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