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Reviews for The Nurse and the Assassin.

By : PJBender
  • From pronker on October 09, 2012
    Nice work - a sad, appropriate story for this phase of the saga.
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  • From ANON - Ano on October 07, 2005
    ah ha, another fan of "The Emperor and the Assassin" ^_~ Nicely done, you created a good character ^_^
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  • From ANON - QuizMe on June 26, 2005
    Now this is NOT a mediocre fic. Thanks for restoring my faith in this site. It's been a long time since a new fic was posted that I really enjoyed.
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  • From ANON - Dru on June 26, 2005
    Lovely, simply lovely. You kept it dark and true to ROTS. I applaud you for not giving in and trying to soften the Jedi Temple massacre. I hope you contribute more quality stories to this site. Amidst the dreck and the slash, we need you.
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  • From ANON - Jubilee on June 25, 2005
    Very good .. poignantly dark and forboding. Especially the choice of characters leaves no compunctions about the depth of Anakin's turn to evil. Very well done indeed.
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  • From ANON - Katherine on June 23, 2005
    keep writing! i love this plot--its so original and interesting!!!! did it end with chapter 4? if so, aww. but if not, write write write! i cant wait for moooree
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  • From ANON - Pagan on June 22, 2005
    Wonderfully dark story. I love fics that fit into the movie, that work so well they could be canon. You did a great job with the odd bits of backstory you layered in. Bravo.
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  • From ANON - starrbrina on June 22, 2005
    I am crying just like in the scene in the movie. where the younglings think he is there to rescue them
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  • From ANON - Sara on June 22, 2005
    Bravo! Bravo! Your best work yet. Captivating. Not so fluffy it makes your teeth hurt, but nor is it so dark as to leave the reader feeling eviscerated. Nice touch with Siti making an attempt on his life - I had completely forgotten about the fruit knife by the time I got into chapter 4! The pacing was good, the grammar and syntax remained commendable ...
    I must stop gushing before I sound like an overzealous fangirl ;) Good work.
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  • From ANON - wes on June 22, 2005
    more more more
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  • From ANON - Dru on June 17, 2005
    Where's the update?! I NEED a new chapter! I demand some new quality fic to read! Have you no pity? ;-)
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  • From ANON - guest on June 17, 2005
    neat story! plz update!
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  • From ANON - Sara on June 16, 2005
    There is a saddening lack of good "Revenge of the Sith" fiction out there thus far; mostly wildly AU smut and random drivel (not necessarily referring to the other things on AFF, just fanfiction as a whole.) Therefore, it is a joy to come across something - such as your story - that is not only written correctly (good spelling, syntax, etc) but is also suspenseful and entertaining. Please, I beg of you, update soon!! I MUST find out how it ends!
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  • From ANON - Tara on June 15, 2005
    *sigh* My only complaint is the chapters are too short! Keep it coming!! Oh, and you have assassin misspelled in title. Just thought you might want to know. It's missing an 's'. Damn double S's ;-)
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  • From PJBender on June 14, 2005
    Without giving away what I have in my head, I can assure you that I intend to keep Anakin dark. Just the way we like him :)
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