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Reviews for Ruffled

By : valie
  • From MakoLady on August 22, 2007
    Marvelous! And, of course, disturbing. But also marvelous!
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  • From ANON - Jason_Cartwright on September 28, 2005
    OMG..... It's been so long since I've read anything as sweet as that! I've been out of the starwars yjk stuff for a while, but b oy have you made me a believer again! Expecting more stuff like this one in the future! Nice Work ^_^
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  • From ANON - Kat on September 22, 2005
    ~giggles evilly~ Oooo, loved a slashed Jacen. ^_^ I was getting so frustrated at him being the only Solo boy untouched. ~giggle~ Hee, you really should write a peice on Han's reaction. XD Jaina's probably right!
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  • From ANON - Alison C. (again) on September 03, 2005
    Outstanding. I cannot even begin to express how wonderful it was to read the newest chapter - the story's just getting better and better! Keep up the wonderful work. (And yes, I might try to write another ficlet of my own soon, but it would pale in comparison).
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  • From ANON - bytheseaside on September 03, 2005
    I can definitely see han hitting the roof when he finds out about Kyp and Jacen - I agree with Jaina on that. LOL. The cat is out of the bag, so to speak, and Jacen's got some explaining to do now. Very nice work on the scene between Kyp and Jacen, though I would have loved to see the second part of that night. :D Wonderful, wonderful. I can't wait to read some more.
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  • From ANON - bytheseaside on September 02, 2005
    That was fantastic. I love the way you built it up over the three chapters, and you've still left us wanting. Fantastic!
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  • From alisonc on August 31, 2005
    Excellent story so far, and if that's any indication of what the rest of it will be, then it's going to rule all. Two thumbs up!
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  • From ANON - April on August 15, 2005
    Okay... UPDATE PLZ reviews are lame and immature, so how's this:

    I would be delighted if you would update this story, for the first chapter made me smile, and I do think that a second chapter would make me smile again. It would be a great pleasure to read more. If you choose not to update, then I shall accept this bit of fic as an interesting and worthwhile read on its own, but still... *makes sad puppydog eyes*
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