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Reviews for Time and Time Again

By : hellborne
  • From ANON - jw on April 12, 2005
    I LOVE Johnny Depp's reaction about how Wes was not out somewhere in a car directing the special effects and stuff, and that it wasn't a hologram and then how he puked, instead of just fainted. Guess it doesn't affect you in the sameway once you are in a movie made by the master horoor film director himself. Please keep updating. Cna't wait to read about when Jack and Will (21st Century Will) meet Orlando.
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  • From ANON - Anon on April 12, 2005
    Again I just loved the chapter! Your writing is excellent! Well I can't wait for the next chapter so please update soon.
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  • From ANON - littlebird on April 10, 2005
    I do hope he put the coins back in the stone chest and closed the lid well. Otherwise, if that monkey was hiding somwhere nearby, Jack has a problem 881-fold.
    >And Will said keeping my gold teeth looked cheap!
    Quite a lot of stories claim something like this. Why is that so? Since when is gold cheap?
    (Regarding your health, I do wish you well. Not that I'd think wishing well would help. All I can say is I think of you and hope for the best.)
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  • From ANON - MarzBar on April 09, 2005
    Loving and laughing along with this story! Got to love the "phony poo." You are writing Jack/Johnny very well. Are you going to continue and break the curse?
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  • From ANON - spanishgoddess86 on April 07, 2005
    I just wanted to say that I love the story and can't wait for the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - littlebird on March 22, 2005
    That pirate - entirely too trusting. One would think Barbossa taught him not to show off with his treasure cave. ("Play things closer to the vest" and all.) You won't let the movie-makers cheat him somehow, will you?
    Funny how it feels fitting to see Jack cook something spicy, even though he does not look as if he would eat regularly or much.
    Please continue!
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  • From ANON - cruiser on March 22, 2005
    This story is getting better and better with each chapter. I can't wait until the next one.....keep up the good work. One the boys meet up with any love interests??? Waitng to see the next installment......AAAAA+++++
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  • From ANON - littlebird on March 12, 2005
    That's a funny twist. So they got the idea for PotC from Jack himself. Will he also play himself in the movie, with a mostly drunk or stoned Johnny Depp just giving his name for cover? (Perhaps devastating some hotel rooms while Jack is filming?) Please continue!
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  • From ANON - Zed Cassel on March 07, 2005
    Overall I love your continuity, and in general your grammer and mechanics are great. There are a few times where what Jack says is a bit over the top, but in general I think you kept his spirit intact. It was definitely a page turner, and I stayed up very late trying to get to the end. I hope you write more soon. Good luck, and take care.
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  • From ANON - Savvy on February 27, 2005
    This is the first time I've ventured into the POTC world. (And from what I've seen I think I'll visit more often) I really enjoyed your story. Keep up the good work and I hope you update soon.
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  • From LadyJanelly on January 24, 2005
    you're doing eeeeeexcelent. the quest for the last gold is a good driving force behind the fic, and it's cute watching Jack learning to fit in (enough).

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  • From ANON - littlebird on January 23, 2005
    >Jack crammed the cowboy hat he was wearing over the boy’s face
    Too prudish for a pirate, I think. And he should notice that neither the girls themselves nor Will or any other bystanders seem upset. You make Jack a bit into a Norrington here. Speaking of whom - they look too different; I don't find it convincing that the commodore should be Jack's son.
    >Will, women in your time confuse me. Why would they wish to be equal to men
    ...says a man who sailed with Annamaria...
    >when they’re so much superior to them already?”
    ...says a man who gets slapped by whores for doing whatever to them, for not paying perhaps, and who stole Annamaria's boat.
    Again, Norrington might speak like that, but I would not expect such a view from Jack.
    >In his wallet he kept the visa that Will had procured for him through the government
    Sound very easy. But what nationality would he have? Do the USA easily hand out visa to stateless people, or is he a British, Jamaican, Haitien, ... citizen (with passport, date and place of birth, ...)?
    Sorry, I dont find the events in this chapter very believable.
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  • From ANON - spanishgoddess86 on January 14, 2005
    with the way Jack keeps bugging Will about everything, and then of course Will is just so fustrationed haveing to teach an 18th century (that's right, right?) pirate the ways of the 21st century. Though I can just imagine what running through Jack's mind now that he really can see everything that has changed in the world since he was locked away in the cave. Anyway I look foward to reading more of this story. I tend to find everything you write very interesting.
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  • From ANON - littlebird on January 14, 2005
    Funny to no end. Unimpressed Jack and naive, shocked Will is such an entertaining combination.
    I think Jack might have heard the word "shampoo" before, even though it wasn't common yet in his time, but as it is from Hindi and he must have been in the region, he might know it. What if Jack had taken "shampoo" literally: "knead/massage"? Massage oil as used in Singapore brothels?
    Even though he can't eat I think Jack would be fascinated with modern food. No hardtack, no peeling maggots out of hard cheese before serving, no watering salted pork for hours, no algea-infested waterbarrels, no open fire, ...
    >he was wearing a cowboy hat
    >over his own scarf, aviator sunglasses,
    >a Hawaiian shirt, Bermuda shorts
    > and a pair of black sandals with no socks...
    >and nobody gave him a second look.
    And here I was looking foreward to his encounter with immigration officials. (Probably better not.)
    Jack has children he knows about? You won't make Johnny Depp Jack's own offspring, will you?
    End of babbling.
    I really consider not reviewing any more until you add a chapter to "power of the sparrow" once more.
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  • From ANON - littlebird on January 06, 2005
    That was very funny. Please keep on writing!
    >he’s NOT going to eat my brains!
    With a Disney movie, who knows? *g*
    > “She’s gorgeous, to be sure, but she’ll
    > never give you the freedom of a ship with sails.”
    > “ need gasoline. Sailing ships don’t.”
    Sailing ships however depend on the wind, and motor ships don't.
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