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Reviews for Time and Time Again

By : hellborne
  • From ANON - Apollo on September 07, 2005
    M'dear, M'dear, m'dear....

    So when does Jack realize that while there's STD's out there that there is still a lovely young man just waiting for him??

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  • From ANON - Anon on August 07, 2005
    You know what? I just read the whole thing and I love it!!!

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  • From ANON - anasazi on August 01, 2005
    Hopefully this is not a flame, but a constructive criticism.
    Call me a perv, but a bit more - ahem - "action" for the dear Captain would be most appreciated.
    Other than that, the writing is good and the story is enjoyable. Far fewer spelling and grammar difficulties than many. Characters could be a tad... erm, deeper. The humor is good. Just keep your audience here in mind -- we, or at least I do, want good writing laced with a lot of good smut.
    There's that perv thing again.... sorry. But on that topic, if you ever want to add to the Jack/Johnny-Morpheus story, alert me of the update, that thing opened me up to the joys of slash... as it were... and how! Be sure to put AFF in the subject of the e-mail so I can find it in Hotmail's stupid junk-mail folder that it insists on putting every unknown e-mail into. I change my settings and it changes them back "for my protection". Gack!
    BTW, you are not alone in the struggle with depression, we are legion.... whether most of us are willing to admit it or not. Just keep trying... yes, I know, depression is VERY trying.... 8^}
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  • From ANON - cruiser on July 24, 2005
    Keep up the good work where the story is headed. Want to read more...please....soon......
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  • From ANON - Daaku! o-o on July 18, 2005
    Pff! I luff this story! IT's like, so totally awesome. o-o;

    The Disney thingy was hilarious. x3. It's rare to find a NEWLY UPDATED Pirates of the Caribbean(Seriously. Who is lazy enough to type out PotC?) fanfiction that I can grow attached to. Especially since I find both Orlando Bloom /and/ Johnny Depp to be the utter definition of HOT. x-X

    Mwaha. :3 Keep goin', please!~

    ::~Double-katrillion-zillion-billion hearts, mate. oo;~::

    Daaku. =^-^=
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  • From ANON - littlebird on April 24, 2005
    >Will followed the instructions on the printout,
    >parked at the stable as instructed,
    >and Jack rented two horses
    Wait, that's a bit quick. So they must have acquired a map and already worked out how to reach the Barbossa family (where to rent what vehilcle etc). But why is it news to them, then, when Mrs. Barbossa tells them there is a town nearby?
    If they travel nonstop from America through Athens to some remote mountain village unaccessible by car, I'd guess Will must have quite the jetlag. He might fall asleep over his ouzo, or drop from his horse sleeping/drunk.
    Pity they are out of Greece already again. I half expected you would let them run into Orlando Bloom filming Troy.
    (Or at least a marble statue of Hector Barbossa, first sight as they reach the family's home. Just to scare them a bit.)

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  • From ANON - MarzBar on April 24, 2005
    Thanks for keeping this story going. It's one of the funniest things I have ever read. I do wonder what will happen to Jack, Will and the bleedin' monkey and look forward to you enlightening us about their fate.
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  • From ANON - spanishgoddess86 on April 23, 2005
    please update soon this story is so good, and the whole thing with the greek woman was so realisc for the most part, and fun to read since I was just in Greece not even a month ago. Anyway keep up the great work I absolutly love your stories.
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  • From ANON - Kitty on April 23, 2005
    Wahhhhhh Continue!!! It is so good!!
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  • From ANON - Apollo on April 22, 2005
    Okay, so I saw that you had reviewed one of my works so I had to head on over and see some of the stuff you've done! This was....artfully done isn't the word! I never thought of something like that for how the movie came along....I'm still considering it....

    BTW, What is the eyeliner for???

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  • From ANON - jw on April 21, 2005
    LMAO! Oh my freaking God this could only happen to Jack. That little demon would wind up with the relatives of his dead master. LOL. This is just too funny and the fact that Johnny was the one who found him and it was in the Enquierer is just perfect. Loved the reacstion the police officer had when he saw Jack. Update soon
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  • From ANON - littlebird on April 20, 2005
    >Get me out of this car and you’ll see me react to the light
    I'd still like to know which country issued a passport to a long-dead pirate. If he is Haitien he could always say that reaction were normal. *g*
    So they will go to Greece? (Unless local reporters get them first.)
    One can only hope dear Hector's relatives never learned what became of him.
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  • From ANON - sallie on April 20, 2005
    I think I need to lie down now...
    stupid monkey.
    Great chapter though!
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  • From ANON - littlebird on April 13, 2005
    Very nice! Terrified Johnny is cute.
    I espescially liked the line where Johnny poked insides Jack's ribcage, touched something rotten, then puked. (Or maybe it was the margaritas? *g*)
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  • From ANON - sallie on April 12, 2005
    That chapter was great. I'm glad Johnny was in it!
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