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Reviews for Unseen Moment In The Rain

By : VashtheStampede
  • From ANON - Kogane on October 22, 2006
    Me liked very much ^.^
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  • From ANON - jesus on February 10, 2006
    hell yes! there needs to be more Smith on Smith action around here, or Smith/Neo. Anyway thanks for making me smile (not in a 'I'm a horny old man' way)
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  • From ANON - Kitten Overdrive on September 17, 2005
    Whoo! Red hot Smith on Smith action!
    *Coughs* Seriously, it was actually very interesting. It was deffinitely a dynamic
    I had never considered, what Smith would do with the other Smith(s). Talk about
    fighting with yourself, jeez.The chapters were a little short but that's alright.
    I wouldn't mind seeing more like this if you aren't too busy..............
    Mmmmm. Smith.
    -Kitten OVerdrive
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  • From ANON - Alexandra on March 02, 2005

    You rock! I love this story!
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  • From ANON - smithsbabe65 on December 14, 2004
    Great last line! Very clever and very true! I really enjoyed this little tale! Hope to see more from you!
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  • From ANON - smithsbabe65 on December 14, 2004
    This is getting good! Great job with keeping the True Smith in character! This is a very cool, twisted fic!
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  • From ANON - smithsbabe65 on December 14, 2004
    I don't usually read slash stories, but I have to admit this one has caught my interest! It's well written and perfectly blends in with the final battle between The One and The Virus! Good job.
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  • From ANON - claire on December 13, 2004
    lol, excellent last line. Great little fic
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