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Reviews for The Present

By : hellborne
  • From Silverwindfara on November 20, 2007
    Really cute romantic story. I love it
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  • From rufianime on September 21, 2006
    Squee! Yummy smut! xD Wonderful ficlet. Keep on truckin'. ^_~
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  • From ANON - Angel Spirit on July 16, 2006
    Got to love for the yummy slashiness of Jack/Will...and got to love authors like you willing to post fics for readers like myself who adore the pairing! Anyway, onto the rest of the review! Very nice one shot...^-~v I *loved* Will's first reaction to waking up naked next to Jack...*snickers* I'm sure the look on Will's face to Jack was probably *priceless* LOL, Jack's probably now forever in debt to his crew for his lovely Christmas present ;p
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  • From ANON - Anon on November 25, 2005
    it was great! really god work. I think you should write a sequel!

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  • From ANON - Susan on August 03, 2005
    Rather cute. :) I liked it!
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  • From ANON - Fritz Lindemann on June 15, 2005
    I don't know what to say... I'm speechless! Your portrayed the characters well given the situation and... wow! It was really good!

    Sequel please! =D
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  • From ANON - Ikkun on March 22, 2005
    A bit cliche. "I luv u." "OMG! I luv u, 2! I've luvved u all along!" Then sex and cuddling.

    Been there, read that.
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  • From ANON - Phoenix on February 03, 2005
    *fans self* That was hot. LoL. I loved the end with "Merry Christmas, Whelp."
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  • From ANON - Triana on January 29, 2005
    Aye e matey. It was a mighty fine story ye got there. Arr! Three cheers! *hurrumph*
    It's was wonderful. Thanks.
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  • From ANON - Tammy on January 26, 2005
    Absolutely completely friggin loved this story! Love these two together. Great visuals : )
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  • From ANON - Gypsy Luv on January 18, 2005
    OMG! I absolutely loved every second of it! I wish I was Will Turner! hehe! MMMMMmmmmm! Excellent work! Keep it up!!!! .......... Whew! I think I may need a cold shower now! God that was great!
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  • From Diayma on January 18, 2005
    Loved it!
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  • From ANON - Cherry43 on December 16, 2004
    it's a good story. i have to say it didn't thrill me too much, as i prefer a story with more depth and complications, but you did a fine job writing it. well done.
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  • From ANON - littlebird on December 08, 2004
    >Once Will was completely finished with the food and drink,
    >the men took hold of him and laid him down on the
    cot as comfortably as they were able,
    >bidding him “goodnight” as they replaced the gag in his mouth.
    ...leaving him with the problem that he can not use the chamber pot (or whatever they might use there), as he is tied up, and neither can he ask for help, because he is gagged.
    When they reach tortuga, I'd say he'd not so much need a plate and a mug, but rather a bath and a toothbrush. Not that I'd expect Jack to be picky, but there is a limit to everything and a present should be well presentable.
    That aside, it's certainly a nice Christmas present/story. And good to hear from you again.
    (Bootstrap Bill's ghost could to with some de-corruption and a new chapter for Christmas too. Please? *beg*)
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