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Reviews for Toss the Dice Again

By : Broken
  • From AlwaysWonderWho on June 14, 2007
    I'm really liking this story so far C: I hope you update soon! As far as suggestions go, I can't think of any. It sounds great to me.
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  • From ANON - Batten on August 15, 2006
    This is wonderful, sounds exactly like what I've been dying to read and/or roleplay. ^_^ I sincerely hope you continue this. As for ideas, I can't give you any off the top at this morning but email me or instant message me any time! I'd love to help out.
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  • From ANON - chibimonky on February 06, 2006
    Don't you dare stop!!! Update, NOW!!!!!!!!
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  • From ANON - The Summoning Dark on November 12, 2005
    The slash is happening when?
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  • From shiichans on October 23, 2005
    Kya!! please dont stop, You are the first one to start this!! I love the Road to El Dorado!!^.^ DONT GIVE UP!!
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  • From ANON - Teh_Ringmaster on September 13, 2005
    Dear god write the rest XD I love Road to El Dorado (And as much as I love it you think I'd know how to spell it O.o i hope I got it right) Anyways it's the first fic I've seen of it anywhere so PLEASE write the rest I will love you forever!
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  • From ANON - FunnyLittleHunny on August 31, 2005
    Pleeeeeeeease write more!!

    i love these two...they're sooooooo hot together...maybe u could switch the POV alittle bit and tell something about Tulio's past. in the next chaper, have that and also, something like Tulio talking to Miguel and then...well, u know the rest
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  • From ANON - Miya Sparrow on August 04, 2005
    I like it, no I really do, please update the next chapter please!
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  • From ANON - Rose on July 21, 2005
    Get him to talk to miguel in his point of view not miguel's after that do whatever.
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  • From ANON - khv on May 13, 2005
    WRITE MORE ! ! ! ! !
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  • From ANON - Hana on March 21, 2005
    I think your doing pretty good on this story. Umm I'm not sure what advice I could give you.......well........I's kind of missing details or maybe it's just short. I think it's good for a first fanfict though. Good Job!!
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  • From PlantangelJchan on February 23, 2005
    Wow this was great! I've read it like, ten times now. I can't believe you're the only one writing Miguel/Tulio on AFF though, because it's so absofrigginlutely (is that a word?) obvious that they could be a couple! I would write my own, but my friends kinda think the pairing is wierd. >_< Keep going though, cause you're doing great as a writer, and if you get the opportunity, check out my stories and tell me what you think of them. They're Trigun, but I've discovered an interseting little detail: Miguel and Tulio have the same character traits and looks about them as Vash and Wolfwood. Watch an episode if you don't believe me. The resemblance is uncanny! Oh well, I'm rambling again. See ya

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  • From ANON - Captain Yuzuki on February 20, 2005
    Praise God! Finally a yaoi Road to El Dorado story. I can express how happy I am. I've been surfin' the web 2 long looking 4 a yaoi story of the two. PLEASE rite more soon.!!!
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  • From on January 18, 2005
    I am impressed already, in a short span of words you give us a taste of backstory and inner dialogue for darling Miguel. And it's betaed, oh my yes, you have my approval. ^_~ Keep up the good work, precious.

    ~Rose Black
    "Half a week before the winter
    A chill that bites before it comes
    And I'm a child of the pleasure
    That he brings before he runs."

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  • From ANON - leona on December 24, 2004
    what are you waiting for ....keep going ...keep writing damnit lol

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