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Reviews for Assimilation

By : Daletchica
  • From ANON - Cecilia on October 12, 2004
    This a very unique little tale about Bane/Smith. I always had my suspicions that he was a sick puppy, but wow, you brought to a whole new level. I'd like to see where you are going to take us in the next installment, which I hope is very soon. I wanted to review this a few days ago, but there was some trouble with this site posting reviews. Glad the glitches are gone. I like your very vivid descriptions of the action and it plays right in to the storyline of Revolutions. Bane could have been having his way with Maggie the whole time the crew was gabbing on and on about Neo, Zion, blah, blah, blah! Good job, keep it up!

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  • From ANON - Akenaten on October 11, 2004
    Ok, this is the first fanfic I've ever read that deals with necrophilia and even though the idea is more than a little strange, you handled the situation pretty well. I will wait for more chapters to reserve my final judgement of the whole story.

    I like the way you've made Bane want to be intimate with Maggie from a curiousity, inquisitive, and almost scholarly point of view instead of a "I like to have sex with dead women because I'm a freak" point of view. Interesting.
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