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Reviews for The Key Of Sierra

By : sax
  • From ANON - Chelsey on September 01, 2004
    Nice! I do like the funny. Please update soon!

    -Chelsey- AKA: HisBeautiful
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  • From ANON - Chelsey on August 25, 2004
    Absolutely Fabulous!!!!!!! I love this story. I do hope that Jackl atl at least fall for her also and not screw her over in the end. Good so far, update soon!

    -Chelsey- AKA HisBeautiful Check out my fiction. It's called La Belle Rosa and my pen name is HisBeautiful
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  • From ANON - Shad on August 24, 2004
    Still reading and liking it, so keep updating!
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  • From ANON - Shad on August 20, 2004
    It's interesting and entertaining. Continue it soon!
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  • From ANON - evileyedpirategrrl on August 16, 2004
    luuuuvin the story so far! i have a dark side, so i'm a big fan of jack being alittle rough and evil. you've captured that side of his personality very well. can't wait, luv! hurry with some new chaps! rumflavoredgoldentoothedpiratekisses
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