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Reviews for Broadway Afterglow

By : Rochelle
  • From ANON - Anon on December 18, 2004
    I'm not sure if I've reviewed before or not. Oh well! I love your story!! It's so good!! I love the allusions to Van Helsing!! The references to the S & M stuff are perfect. It's like Alice's Adventures In A Sexual Wonderland. Please continue!
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  • From ANON - cheena on December 14, 2004
    Gah. That was hot. When's Jack going to bind/spank/fuck Will?
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  • From ANON - Autore on December 14, 2004
    Weird coincidence that I was just wondering when this damn fic would be updated, and then it was! I was just about to email you and give a poke to get a move on. Poor Will! So virginally innocence *sigh* This chapter didn't have much substance. Where's Jack? More soon! Don't forget about us PotC fans. We need some J/W sex!!
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  • From ANON - Venus on December 13, 2004
    You have to keep updating, this is going to be such a great fic.
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  • From ANON - Dea Puella on December 02, 2004
    That's one major cliffie! You can't just stop it at that it's immoral, it cruel and unusual! Please write more, pretty please!
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  • From ANON - Julie-Rae / Yakkorat on September 29, 2004
    I've been reading these same two chapters for months! You MUST update! This fic has SO MUCH promise and could be SO GOOD... it's off to such a good start. Don't abandon us! PLEASE!!!

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  • From ANON - Fain Sadi on September 12, 2004
    Holy crap, I love this story! You've got to update it...*puppy eyes* Plllleeaase!
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  • From ANON - Kendra Lee on September 11, 2004
    great fic, excellent start, but... where did the rest go? UPDATE!!!! please *batty eyes*
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  • From ANON - NEWENIT on September 05, 2004
    Damn!! This was fanfuckingtastic!!!

    Where is the rest of this???? Why the hell did you stop.....I AM DYING HERE!!!!

    Update!!! Please, oh please!!

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  • From ANON - Liz on August 26, 2004
    Please Update. I really like your storie.
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  • From ANON - Jack4Turner on August 19, 2004
    Okay Im reviewing. I've been meaning too for sometime now I just haven't ry hay had the time. I've fallen in love with your story. I c eve every day to see if there is a new posting and am dissappointed everyday. Please hurry and post the next chapter! I can't wait to know what is going to happen next!!!!! HURRY HURRY HURRY!
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  • From ANON - Chihirosen2001 on August 15, 2004
    PLEASE UPDATE!! I absolutely adore this fic, oh poor Will but Im sure Mr. Sparrow will make it all better.::wink wink nudge nudge::
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  • From ANON - Heather on August 10, 2004
    I like your story, it's hard to find stories that are more unique now a d but but yours is very good.
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  • From ANON - Nama on August 10, 2004
    Oh, I love this story sooooo much!! Please write more!
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  • From ANON - Rutaari on August 09, 2004
    Wow! I really love this fic! I want more! Are those markings from Brown? *sigh* Poor Will! More soon, please!
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