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Reviews for Kokopelli's Flute

By : hellborne
  • From ANON - Kelly on August 02, 2006
    I thought that last time I read this there was more to it, did you write more for this, if so where would I find it?
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  • From ANON - Megan on November 01, 2005
    I love your story...although in some ways it seems like its an original story and not neccesarily Jack/Will, I still really like it. You have a lot of serious concepts in it that are treated respectfully and tastefully--a rare thing in fan fiction. Anyhow, write more--(just wondering if Barbossa or Elisabeth will make an entrance...? ) Thanks a lot!! : )

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  • From ANON - \"Ragdoll\" on September 29, 2005
    I just wanted to leave a quick review. I've read through chapter 3 of Kokopelli's Flute and I absolutely love it! I really hope you plan to continue it. I've read several POTC m/m stories, but Kokopelli's Flute is by far the most creative and intriguing of them all. From one author to another, you have a lot of talent. I'd be afraid to attempt a modern setting for a POTC story. But, I love how you've written this. The plot is very creative, and unique. I wanted also to note that I'm Wiccan, a lone practitioner for many years, and that I'm always reading up on other religions, cultures, and sciences. This story very much intriques me, and I truly hope you continue. I can very much relate to both Jacob and Billy, and I find their little character quirks absolutely adorable. *rereads* Oh forgive me. I had meant for this to be a -short- review. I tend to ramble. Many apologies. All I really wanted to say was I love the story. I usually find one or two problems with stories, but this one is perfect. lol I just want more is all. Greedy me. I write, and understand we sometimes must set aside certain stories. I just hope you continue someday. Please email me if you do. I would love to read more. please, call me "Ragdoll" It's my pen name. Congrats on a great story, and for now, Adieu. -"Ragdoll"
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  • From ANON - Huro on June 02, 2005
    More soon I hope. This is very very good. One of the best I have read in a while. I think its great that the story is based on Jack and Will, but Jacob and Billy are completly there own people... I've read stories where the past lives end up taking over the future ones and while they were still good stories, I really like the way you handled this one... please updated soon! Thank You Kindly. Huro
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  • From ANON - Heather on April 29, 2005
    OMG i love it to pieces! Deffinitly the best story ive read! im hooked! Please keep the story alive!
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  • From ANON - Ophelia Flood on February 12, 2005
    I noticed you read "She who remembers", from the title. Very clever to use such an obscure book for an idea.
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  • From ANON - spanishgoddess86 on January 12, 2005
    I don't know if I reviewed on the yahoo mailing list, so I figured why not go ahead and review here also. Anyway I love this story this story is so interesting and I love the fact that their married now and that Will's mother is now close by. Anyway please update this story really soon I can't wait to read more.
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  • From ANON - I myself on September 03, 2004
    Hey!! We want to read more!! Update soon, please? ^____^

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  • From ANON - littlebird on August 29, 2004
    So sad! You have all my sympathy. Are you sure you should be writing fanfiction instead of doing something healthy?
    >I know Jacob seems a bit
    > soft, but Jack Sparrow had never dealt with having an “absolute” early death sentence hanging over his head.
    So you don't think Jack has syphilis in the movie? It would be fitting for a pirate of his age at that time, explain the walk (syphilis can affect the legbones) and crazyness, the blood on his chin and why Scarlett slapped him (if she noticed he infected her).
    Concerning AIDS, this is not the place to discuss theories and the few cases where people apparently were cured. My point was: Carelessness is on the rise again anyway, so it's dangerous to give people the idea there is a cure so they needn't be careful. (I'm not accusing you, but I think the matter is dangerous.)
    Your story, your choice of words, though.
    Good luck to you!
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  • From ANON - littlebird (not the one in the story and not related to him either) on August 20, 2004
    >The bruising was gone within a week, and the dental work was finished two days after that.
    Are you sure? To me that sounds a little too quick for jawbone and toothflesh to heal and everything.
    >Billy turned Jacob toward him and kissed him, his tongue trying to work its way into his lover’s mouth.
    ...who had thrown up less than a minute before. *ack*
    Admittedly, it's an AU world where people are reborn who fougth undead pirates cursed by Aztec gods, so anything goes. Nonetheless I feel quite uneasy with the suggestion AIDS could be cured by sauna and wiccan rituals. If it were something that obviously does not exist ( the them finding the fountain of youth), or some Aztec healing artifact, OK, but lihis?his? It gives me the creeps. Besides, for my taste Jacob is a little too soft in this story. Too soft for someone who was a fearsome pirate in a past life and knows about it.
    One last remark: Why is it that Billy can see Bootstrap now? He couldn't in chapter I, could he? AFAIK spirit guides are not supposed to appear to everyone around.
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  • From ANON - Jaye on August 19, 2004
    Please do not read this if you only want positive feedbac

    ked ked Chapter 1 of this story, but this chapter is appalling. The treatment of HIV/AIDS trivializes both the devestation of the condition and the courage of the people who have it. There's no sense of what it's like to live with HIV or how to hold a relationship together while dealing with it. (Billy seemed more of an accessory than a partner.) And the idea that a coven's chanting and a day in a sweat lodge can just make it disappear to me made the disease the equivalent of Magnum PI getting shot---bullet holne wne week, gone the next.

    As I said, I liked Chapter 1 of this, but I found Chapter 2 to be extremely disappointing.
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  • From ANON - jillij on August 10, 2004
    curse you to hell and back! I loved it. I hate you now. * is jealous * Sorry, I don't really hate you. What am I talking about of course I do. I love your writing. Bloody hell I'm jealous. Enough said, it was perfect.
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  • From ANON - littlebird on August 05, 2004
    So that is what Las Vegas is like? People leaving their trousers on in the sweat-lodge, and audiences voluntarily watching a Cher impersonation show? Poor Hellborne! *pads Hellborne*
    >Besides, I can go four times hangin’ upside-down from
    > the ceilin’. Or don’t you remember last Tuesday night?
    May I take that as a hint towards one other of your magnificent storys, where a certain Bootstrap spirit might finally decide to teach his son how to treat Jack properly? Please do not forget that one! *big puppy eyes*
    If I ever encountered a guardian spirit who introduces himself as "Bootstrap", though, I'd look for another religion or at least have my medicine bag checked and repaired.
    Not that "littlebird" is any better, seriously.
    Did I mention the sex-scenes were gorgeous again?
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  • From ANON - Mahie on July 24, 2004
    This fic has made me very happy for a number of reasons. Firstly and most importantly, it was my request and I was thinking I wouldn't get it anymore. :) I'm so happy you did this make-up fic for me! It was a make-up, wasn't it? I remember reading another fic from you for the ficathon!
    As about this fic, I couldn't have asked anything else. It's great! And I'm sooo happy there'll be more chapters. Can't wait to read them! I love your Jack/Jacob. As always, he's weird and lovely. Wow, he's even a fortune teller! I like the way he was so different, and that Billy/Will fell in love with him. I loved the mix between Jack and Will and Jacob and Billy in the end!! And the sex was hot!!
    Like I said, dear, I couldn't have asked for anything else. I'm very happy that it was you who wrote the make-up fic for me, because I always loved your fics!!
    Thank you so much!
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  • From ANON - Anon on July 24, 2004
    It's a very different modern day AU and I really enjoyed it. can't wait for the rest.
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