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Reviews for Serving The Goddess

By : dantanaskywalker
  • From ANON - Antilia on September 06, 2004
    Also very sexy, especially Kyp riding Jaina from behind. I'd like to see more of their Master/Goddess meetings, the personality clashes could be extremely hot & wild.
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  • From ANON - Dark Lady Mara on September 05, 2004
    Wow, I had no idea you did smutfic off-board. O_o Anyway, I guess we've got an interest in common. ;)

    I quite liked this. Short. Smutty. Right to the point. That's all I ask for in a story, really. ;) And Kyp and Jaina are great together, of course.
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  • From ANON - Yaisel on July 21, 2004
    As good as the last...there's really nothing to critique here...keep 'em coming!
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