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Reviews for The Hidden Treasure of Robert "One Eye" Sparrow

By : MagentaSparrow
  • From ANON - jw on July 17, 2004
    Intersesting that not only did Jack know Bootstrap but Bootstrap grew up with Jack's fathWondWonder how old Will is during the prologue, probably a baby or a very young kid. most likely.
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  • From ANON - Ani Sparrow on July 16, 2004
    Hmmm, I like the idea of this and the fact the Bill Turner being a friend of Jack's father ties in nicely with my idea of him being a little bit older than Jack himself. One thing puzzles me. In your summary, you suggest that Will is central to finding the treasu He He was only a lad when he came over to the Caribbean and was probably very young when he last saw Bill. I will be interested to see how you work this.
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  • From hellborne on July 16, 2004
    I'm definitely enjoying this story! It's nice to see "where Jack came from"...and where he picked up his odd (but sexy) appearance and ways...can't wait to see more!

    So please continue...


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