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Reviews for White Satin

By : AuroraStewart
  • From ANON - possessed-gummy-bear-inferno on December 18, 2006
    hey! It's me...again...many months later and bored as heck, but your story helped to relieve the boredom. Man, this is depressing. A story as wonderful (and detailed) as this ought to deserve/win something.
    *hugs computer screen displaying story*
    *hugs authors name too*
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  • From ANON - Possessed-Gummy-Bear-Inferno on July 29, 2006
    *Two months later*
    *Gummy-Bear pops out of nowhere*
    Yes! It is I once again, here to review the story! *checks reviews*
    drats! Still no reviews for you!? and you have at least 600 hits? That's just cruel... Anyways, I'm hoping to write a smut story of my own and I believe that yours has given me the inspiration to start. Story still great as usual, but One ought to get punished because he put Two through all that torture. Oooo....Do I have some great ideas...*insert evil laugh*
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  • From ANON - Possessed-gummy-bear-inferno on July 02, 2006
    I really don't know what to say. Great from start to finish and definitely eye candy...well, in a disturbing way...*runs in circles screaming "It burns!*
    Loved it XD
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