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Reviews for Bella

By : Lizzo
  • From JennyPugh on June 30, 2004

    I liked this. I had a vision of him in my mind as I was reading it and I was the one doing the tracing. Excellant!
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  • From ANON - Anon on June 30, 2004
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  • From hellborne on June 30, 2004
    Very sweet. Very sensual without being a lemon. I enjoyed it quite a bit.

    One thought that I hope you take as a constructive criticism (as it's NOT meant at all as a flame!): Paragraphs...make it easier to read. I know it was basically a single thought...but it would have broken down into 3-5 paragraphs fairly easily, and I wouldn't have had to use my mouse to read...

    Mostly though, I did thoroughly enjoy it!

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