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Reviews for Echo

By : Cantala
  • From ANON - Iceheart111 on June 11, 2005
    I like it, the plots nice and original. Im gonna enjoy reading more so please update soon. Perhaps the Jedi turns Dark? Oh, I love angsty stories. Romance is another must, so please for me? Mind you, I think a cute little trist between the girl and Sith could be fun, but I'l leave that up to you. Your grammars good and the plot has potential. Keep up the good work.

    The Demon God Iceheart bids you luck in all your endeavors!
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  • From ANON - Angel of Immortality on March 18, 2005
    Cute story. It is both interesting and funny. I can't wait to see what your next chapter is like. Angel Sere
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  • From ANON - Kelly on June 06, 2004
    Great story. Please update soon.
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