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Reviews for Picnic

By : DarthBreezy
  • From ANON - Anon on December 28, 2005
    nice story, well done
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  • From ANON - Laurachan on November 02, 2005
    sorry, I forgot I've already reviewed ^^;;;;
    forgive me
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  • From ANON - Laurachan (too lazy to login) on November 02, 2005
    sweet and hot.... just how I like it ^^
    I enjoyed this little scene, hehehehe
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  • From ANON - London on October 29, 2005
    You spelled complete wrong.
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  • From ANON - edgy on August 02, 2005
    HOT, HOT, HOT, I'm burning! That was soooooooooooo cool!
    Original and adorable story, but I really don't understand the nickname (Ma-chi, was it?)... where did you take it from? I never heard about it... maybe it's just me....

    but I liked the story!
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  • From ANON - Laurachan (too lazy to login) on August 02, 2005
    I loved it! Hot and sweet and full of juicy details!
    That was good!
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  • From ANON - AK on May 19, 2005
    Fantastic!! You should write more!!
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  • From ANON - Anon on September 18, 2004
    very exciting :). Hope you'll write some more like that :) Please? :D
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  • From ANON - Daria on July 23, 2004
    Very nice ficlet. The only thing I didn't care for was the weird term of endearment you had Anakin use - 'ma-chi'? What the...? It sounds like the melding of Chachi and macho *shudders* Please take some advice and find something better, it will only help. I had several diehard SW and A/P fans read this and they all agreed, good story, terrible made up pet name.
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