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Reviews for Rum Cookies

By : hellborne
  • From ANON - Elizabeth on February 09, 2005
    This is a great story! Very well written indeed! I hope you do more like this.
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  • From dawnenab on January 16, 2005
    Thoroughly enjoyed this. Nice to see them all a bit older but still family.

    Well done.

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  • From ANON - Fishy on January 15, 2005
    More please!
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  • From ANON - Inbar on July 15, 2004
    What a cute story! I've enjoyed it a lot. Jack is so funny XD
    This fic is so IC that it's amazing. Thanks for a good time~!
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  • From ANON - Saka-chan on May 06, 2004
    Nice, fluffy piece that quite fits the holiday season. I guess since I didn't read it during the holiday season, it didn't impose full effect on me. >.< Good ideas you have; the characters were nicely IC. Although - it wouldn't exactly be batter rather than dough if Jack was able to roll it up. And wouldn't the rum kind of idfyidfy the mix? o__o; *laughs* I like to think Cap'n Sparrow is "ageless", although old age does come. ^^; Great fic.
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  • From ANON - littlebird on April 13, 2004
    >The first thing that Will saw was Commodore Norrington
    >standing over him with a straight razor.
    > "My God! Elizabeth, grab the baby and get out of here!
    >He's not taking us! Jack!"
    The whole thing is as sweet as rum cookies. (If only the rum would stay in the blasted things during baking.)
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  • From ANON - Chelsey on April 07, 2004
    All I can say is "I wish I had a pencil thin mustache, so I could solve some mysteries too." I'm sure you have no idea where that's from but if you do AWESOME!
    It's a quote from a Jummy Buffet song that I love. I started singing it after you described Will's Mustache. Thanks for thery! ry! Loved it!

    -HisBeautiful- AKA: Chelsey
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  • From ANON - Anni on April 05, 2004
    You have a great imagination, but I don't like the thought of Jack being ... (sob) OLD!
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