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Reviews for Let It Happen

By : Threthiel
  • From ANON - Rozzan on April 03, 2004
    Hi, this looks like being a very promising story. I love the way you have woven the dreams into the narrative and I like your style. I am really looking forward to getting to know Kyp better. I expect he is going to be hot. Hurry up and poste moe more. I want to know where they are going!
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  • From ANON - Angel on April 03, 2004
    Hi Red,

    You know my thoughts on this, but I'll say it again! I love it. It captures the Star Wars universe perfectly. It flows perfectly from one thing to the next and there is nice sense of tension building, this is going to be epic and I love that!

    PS I love having Rozzan make an appearance :-)

    You've got a great talent going here, keep writing and I look forward to the rest of this great story.

    Oh and Orlando would be perfectly cast in the role of Kyp :-)

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