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Reviews for Witch

By : hellborne
  • From ANON - Frankenmuth on March 22, 2004
    No no leaving...I won't let you...I just won't let you...

    I like how you have it so Jack doesn't remember. I hope you write more soon, I want to see if this "gold foot" thing works out.

    *begs* Please don't stop...please...*smiles sweetly*
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  • From ANON - Pendragginink on March 22, 2004
    Whew---poor Jack. I'm glad he didn't confess,---as you say in the AN, they would have burned him. You have certainly done your homework on the research. Interesting how you wove into the story the fact that the inquisition had ended by this time. Unfortunately, torture to get information and/or to please the torturer did not, and in the hands of a lovely person like that sadistic cardinal, a captive had no chance. Crucifiction was a legal execution until 1800. So the churgeon learned like Leonardo did he? How did leonardo learn? I know Michelangelo made a deal with the priest who was in charge of the charnel house in Florence. He could sneak in there at night and disect the bodies all he wanted as long as he cleaned up the mess. He carved a lifesized crucifix for the local church to hang over the alter. He did this for a little more than a year in his teen years. Highly illegal, all of it. I assume Leo did something of the same. There was oegalegal disection per year for medical students, and that was it.
    This is fiction, so we can do whatever we want, actually. I want Jack to have gold teeth so Im glad he has his back, and will made them. that's nice. The ones that were pulled were living teeth? just gold covered? because he screamed when they were pulled. I don't doubbt that will could make new ones---the ones the egyptians had, Im not sure they were anchored in the bone. Wired to the other teeth thest sst sat on the gum. Jacks might have screwed into the socket if will could put a thread on the end of the tooth. I have several artificial teeth that do this. there is a gold socket in my jawbone, and the tooth screws and unscrews into it. rather tightly, because the tooth doesn't move, but the dentist can get it out.
    The socket is helt in place because the socket was sort of mesh, had holes in the side, and live bones grew into the holes. I assume this is how Jack's golden leg bone is going to work. You are going to leave the knee, of course. It is fine. I assume the top end of the gold bone is a cup affair? so Jacks femur witll slip down inside it? How will the ankle work? not a chance of copying all the ankle bones. this would have to be a ball and socket mechanism, similar to the hip. Will is capable of making this, but replacement hips use, I believe, teflon as a replacement for cartiledge for lubrication. The body will not reject the gold. and using a perforated design would ensure that the live tissue attached itself to the gold. Toes would be a hinge, ankle would be ball and socket. Now, would the ankle lock as will the toes? will it have free rotation as a hip? so that he could turn the foot 180 degrees (assuming the ligaments will stretch, but with practice..) ? He would need stability in a sword fight. so I guess, make the ligaments tight enough that they will hold the foot steady. Going to be a fun job getting the gold bone in there. A thin layer of bone could be left at the end of each ligament---and fit into a slot on the gold bone. then there would be a natural ligature attachment at the end. If he execrcises the ankle, gently, stretching the ligaments, gently, the pulling on the ligament will speed up the healing and growing into the bone. The lligaments will have to be sutured to the gold-----they don't really know about sterilization yet. so do they know to soak the sutures in alcohol? (not rum, the sugar will feed backteria) whisky or palm wine. They did use use fungus, bread mold /aka penecillan, for poltices for infection, but what about the interiot sutures? Using a person's own hair, or a horse hair (soaked) will eventually disolve and will hold well enough.

    Or fine gold wire---which will could make easily enough. (takes strength. the smith pulls a stick of gold, a lockpick will do nicely, through progressivly smaller steel cones until it is the thickness you want. Will could make some silver scalpuls--but the doctor would have a sharper blade if he used flakes of flint. Flint knives. a thin flake of flint is sharp as a razor and keeps the edge. Today flint scalpuls are used in eye operations, or so I have read in medical journals. Flint will also be sharp en ough to disect out the small foot bones leaving a thin layer of pulpy bone on the end of the ligament. He is going to have a rather stiff foot, but a bad sprain can do that. No more ballet dancing for him.
    As to stiff. the foot is going to swell up to the size of a pumpkin, unless, they put it in a cast which will keep pressure on keepkeeping the fluids out of the tissue. (had a foot operation and I studied what they did and why). they bandaged my foot, fairly thickly, snug but not constricting the circulation. 4 courved forms were fit around my leg up to the knee, wrapped tightly and squeezed my foot tight as I could stand it (Yeah morphine, give jack laudanum) the toes stuck out so they could see the color if my towes (pur and and most important, fee the they were cold. and If I could tell if they were being touched with my eyes closed. If I couldn't they said they would have to loosen the supports. Once I was out of bed and the swelling was down, they put a walking cast on it, the walking on the foot enabled healing and boosted circulation.

    Some times, leeches are still used to reduce swelling in reatttaching fingers, hands etc. they suck out extra fluids. Caribbean leeches are real big boys. Any apothacary would have a jar of fresh ones. The spores from puff balls are anticeptic. they can powder the incision with those. Fungus again. This is folk medicine, fairly common knowlege to shamans, medicine men and 'simples' women.if the doctor is a good sport and not an overeducated snob---Anamaria's grandmother's knowledge of 'simples' will be a big help.

    How did the doctor measure Jack so that they know the gold bone is the correct length? If will is clever enough--this technology might work. Will might suggest it. He creats a gear mechanisn where the cup/socket at the top of the gold bone joins the shaft of the bone. the shaft, at least will have to be close to sterling, or the gold will be too soft to support Jack. the perforated cup and ankle could be higher carat, but 24, pure, would bend if he landed on it full weight.
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  • From ANON - roxie on March 22, 2004
    ok, i'll review. i was a bit disturbed by the first 2.5 chapters (graphic detail), but i live for h/c and you can't get the comfort w/o the hurt. i'm interested to see where this is going, esp. with the doctor. for some reason he seems very slashable.
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  • From ANON - latinereget86 on March 22, 2004
    Great chapter!! like I've said before this story is brilliant. However I was thinking are you going to write about how Will got onto the black pearl and why he seemed like he taken charge of it (even though I know that it only because Jack not capable right now) and maybe also how was Jack capture in the first place by thardinrdinal guy. Even though I can figure out most of the stuff that happened before hand it would probably clear maybe some things up. Anyway keep up with the great work I look forward to reading more.
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  • From ANON - latinereget86 on March 22, 2004
    Ok well normally I dont write many reviews ons sis site being that nomally I don't have the time. However today I couldn't pass up the chance. This story is brilliIt rIt really makes you think and it is so tht oht out. Anyway I am so glad that Jack is saved for those evil evil men, but now can you make him better. Hope you update soon cant wait.
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  • From ANON - jackfan2 on March 22, 2004
    Oh.. thank you thank you thank you.. You've saved our captain!! You've not dragged on his troture for 10 or 15 insane chapters and I REALLY appreciate that. To many of these stories go on for so long in the torture aspect of things that my stomach is ready to wretch and I can't read any more. You've given us a great and daring rescue, full of pain and heart stopping moments.

    Next, can you give us a good few chapters of Jack healing and Will staying by his side, while at the same time he commands the Pearl in getting Jack away from his insane captors. A good battle between the Pearl and that Catholic church ship would be good, WIll at the command. WOO HOO!! I like both Will and Jack fairly equally, but Jack a fair bit more than Will. I so liked that you made Will strong, though. To many fic's make him a sniveling, inept idiot. This was perfect.

    Please give us more bright horizons in this story.. I'd like nothing better than WIll to kill that bastard Cardinal who accused Jack of being a witch. First, however, he n to to dispense with the Cardinal's war ship. THEN, maybe Jack is healed enough later to be the one to limp in (i.e. permanently mangled foot) and give an EYE for an EYE to the Cardinal!!! HA! That would be Biblical justice I think. Alright by me. I was nearly crying as I finished reading this. Your stories are truly original and well done.

    Brilliant job, mate.

    Oh, and btw, I've NEVER posted such a long review to any story on you're the first to receive such a diatrab of words outta me. I only post on by the same name, Jackfan2, but I lurk over here. Love your work.
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  • From JennyPugh on March 22, 2004

    Eeek! The first two chapters were a bit gruesome, and I found myself wincing more than once. 't w't wait for an update!
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  • From ANON - Anon on March 22, 2004
    Yeah, Jacks safe......actualy not sure whether this is a good thing.....good for jack, bad for sadistic bitches like me :) The story is so so so so so so Gooooooooood!!!!!!!! And it's original, keepng png please I can't wait to read more!
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  • From ANON - Frankenmuth on March 22, 2004
    Yay! He's saved! *big grin* You RULE! (I know authors that would have been very mean...*shakes head* mean mean mean) But not you! Yay!

    Okay, so I'm like mega happy that Jack is saved. Now, make him better! (but you can like, take your time and what not) I'm just happy Jack's safe...

    Jack is gonna *stay* safe, right? That meanie Church guy isn't gonna get him he?

    Welp, write more please, you an really write...and I wanna know what happens...
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  • From ANON - Melanie on March 22, 2004
    This story is very poorly written and unclear, i dont understand half of it because you give only some info, not any details, your story doesnt make any sense, do us all a favour and remove it.
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  • From ANON - MahieSparrow on March 22, 2004
    Hi there! This fic is wonderful! *And* original! :) I like the idea that the clerics think Jack is a witch. But I'm so sorry for him! :(( I hope that Will help free him soon. As about the original thing,well,it's nice to see *Jack* as the helpless one for once. It's usually Will in this situation. So go on,keep writing! Can't wait to see where this is going! Mahie
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  • From ANON - Frankenmuth on March 22, 2004
    Awww....poor Jack! Jack no' witch! *giggles* I shouldn't laugh at that...but I can't help it...

    Please write more...I want Jack to be saved! If you stop writing, he'll be stuck there forever! You can't do that to Jack! I need to know Jack will be saved! YOU HAVE TO SAVE HIM! (I will so hurt you if you don't save Jack...I'll hunt you down...make you save Jack...then hurt you for not doing so sooner...DON'T TEMP MY WRATH! (rath?))

    Okay, so I normally don't get like this...but Jack must be saved!
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  • From ANON - Lauryn on March 21, 2004
    Bah! Poor Jack! Wonder why he'd be accused of being a witch. His ship ain't so evil now that Barbossa is dead. Oddness. I hope Will shows up soon! *whacks Jack's tormentors upside the head* EVIL!

    Please continue :) This and all your other fics are really fantastic!
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  • From ANON - utsukushi on April 13, 0000
    GREAt chapter! I love this story, it's one of the best lemons I've read.
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