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Reviews for Broken Wings

By : SaMe
  • From ANON - Seiko on March 20, 2004
    Stupid evil god! Let Jack Sparrow go! Grrrr. Anyway great last few chapters and nice touches on Jack's past. I hope he gets healed soon (hopeful look).
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  • From ANON - Seiko on March 19, 2004
    Yay Elizabeth found Jack!! It was get a b a bit lonely there for him on that island. Sooo, does this mean that Elizabeth can't see the bodies of the crew since she keeps saying that no one else is there but them? Oh well, I'll find out soon enough :)

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  • From ANON - Seiko on March 19, 2004
    AGAIN CREEPY!! The whole specter (i think that's how it's spelled) is very well written with the out of body and in the body experiences Jack is going through. Too much blood loss for our dear Captain and so much pain (sniff). But then again, that's the power of being an author, the fact you get to screw around with the characters lives lol.

    Seiko :)
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  • From ANON - Seiko on March 19, 2004
    Wow, this is pure angst, me likey! Poor poor Jack Sparrow (sob)!. I'm soo wondering just what this curse is about and where it came from, it's really really creepy as well.


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  • From ANON - Seiko on March 18, 2004
    Okay....that was actually a very good first chapter so my question is where the hell are the reviews? Come on people! Good story should get reviews don't you think? Anyway congrats on the first chappie, and onto the next!

    Seiko :)
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  • From ANON - MmC on March 18, 2004
    This story is sooo good! it is angsty, but it's creative and dramatic. poor jack,'ve gotta feel bad for someone that hot who's suffering that much...anyways, you're a great writer, so keep writing!
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