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Reviews for Tale of a Sparrow

By : ZOEgirlChick
  • From ANON - Anime_and_Toons on April 06, 2004
    Find Jack DAMIT!!!!
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  • From ANON - Anime_and_Toons on April 05, 2004
    poor poor jack, i hope all those women die. FUCKING DIE!!!!!! please keep writing.
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  • From ANON - Chica from San Diablo on March 27, 2004
    Wow, I still love this chapter! *Does a Homer Simpson like drool* Jack scrubbing the deck of the ship nakie. I just can't get that picture out of my head, thanks a lot, señorita! And, I like Chasity's raping Jack as well. That was probably done by dazedconfusion, right? Keep it up, I want more soon!

    Chica from San Diablo
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  • From ANON - Crystal Persephone on March 19, 2004
    Very interesting. I like how you wrote in bold script for the first few chapters and put thoughts in normal script. It made it much easier to follow and one could be left to enjoy the story. Why did you stop? The story is very intrigueing and I can't help looking for links to the RL PotC. I found the last chapter a little awkward however, I'm afraid I can't understand the character of Chasity Sinclair. I did like though how she comes from noble blood but is a known and well-feared pirate, with a crew made up of women. Complete girl-power. I also found Jack a litte OoC, you might what to mention this somewhere, but for all I know, it could be the affects of the torture. Yep, I can see were this is headed. What's interesting is that I keep thinking there must be some link between this pirate Bloody Ana and Chasity.

    Keeping the writing world spinning,
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  • From hellborne on March 11, 2004
    Well, my curiosity's piqued. Why he's not he got there...but mostly...I would LOVE to see more of that hot wax sequence! Bring it on, milady!
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  • From RavenNicole on March 10, 2004
    Okay it's me again after reading chapter 2, this is very good for a begining, it is thrilling, there is S&M and it's not a slash! (I never really like slahses).
    Something really bad happened to my darling, that woman who tied him... dear god what *did* he got himself into this time?
    update please :)
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  • From RavenNicole on March 10, 2004
    Wow, looks tense, you got me interested.
    waiting to see more :)
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