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Reviews for A Pirate's Daughter

By : FuegoCoqueta
  • From ANON - travieso on January 02, 2007
    Thanks to all who have read this story and have commented. I, unfortunately,. have lost my muse. I am very slowly working on completing it, and will repost the entire story once it is completed, under a different penname. So far, though, it's slow going. It may be quite awhile before anybody sees it again. By then you will probably forgotten about it. Again, I do apologize to anyone that is waiting for an update. I would have put this in the next chapter, but my passwords and such are no longer working. Hopefully you will all understand.

    Thank you.

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  • From ANON - tash on August 30, 2004
    hi, im just treviwing ur stori, and i think that he shoudnt take her with him, she should stow away on the pearl. it was really good so far, but in the nxt few chapters can you please put in a sword fight een een Rebecca and Jack, only can she win and give him what he deserves?

    thanx 4 readin this review

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  • From ANON - Chelsey on April 15, 2004 to say this? He should soooo take Becca on! I would love to see what happens! Your main character reminds me so much of myself. I'm nearly as stubborn (or so my mom says) as a mule. Anywho- enough about me, I love your story! You write so well. Could you please read my fiction and let me know your thoughts? I would greatly appreciate it! It's called La Belle Rosa, and my pen-name is HisBeautiful. Thank you soo much! Keep up the good work and I'll check to see if you've updated.

    -Chelsey- AKA: HisBeautiful
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  • From ANON - Blue Magic on April 08, 2004
    Yes, you evil writer, I fell for the obvious. But now I'm intrigued to see where you'll take it. I want to hear alot more about the daughter and who she is. Tell me some stories, if you please.
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  • From ANON - citricacid2001 on January 25, 2004
    well, kif the start's anything to go by, i somehow doubt this kid's gonna be a mary-sue...
    next chapter please?
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  • From inuyashasgirl on January 23, 2004
    Wow! That was a great start! Definitely need to update soon! Thanks for sharing such a great and non slash story about potc! Oh and by the way, yes it was a bad ass movie! I'm a little obssessed with Jack Sparrow myself but that's okay! Anyway great story!
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  • From ANON - Hellborne on January 23, 2004
    Very nice start. Can't wait to see his daughter grown up. Will she follow her father? I hope so...please continue.
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