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Reviews for Change in the House of Flies

By : Sarryn
  • From ANON - violent Underscore! rabbit on January 16, 2004
    this is great. Will's been raped hasnt he? and hes spirtits gone into hiding. More damn you.
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  • From ANON - ElvenEyes on January 16, 2004

    Green is cool...




    I feel like an that okay? I thought at first that Will had died. *winces and smacks forehead*

    OH! And I'm glad that you like my reviews...*warm fuzz*...I feel so special! *squees again*

    Jack: *whaps her with a pillow* You're actin all...-(*grimaces as he does a vague gesture*)-

    Will: *sulking in corner* Flippity?

    Jack: *snaps fingers* Tha's the one!

    Elven: *scowls at the smith and pirate* I hate you guys so much right now...*pouts*

    Jack: *grins innocently* No, you don't. You ~love~ me!

    Elven: *holds up finger* Correction. I love you screwing him -(*points to Will*)- silly. Savvy?

    Will: *rolls eyes from his perch in the corner*

    Elven: *grins broadly*

    Jack: *scowls* I don't appreciate you stealing my lines, lass...(*growls*)

    Elven: *smiles sweetly, flips him the bird and gets hit by a pillow* Bite me, pirate.

    Jack: *bites her arm*

    Elven: *yelps* What the hell!? *grabs arm*

    Will: *narrows eyes* I'm leaving...*stalks off into other room*

    Jack: Will! I'm sorry, I didn't mean it! C'mon honey!

    Will: *storms back into room and points finger at Jack* Don't you 'honey' me!

    Jack: *eyes cross to see Will's finger* Sorry! I-I'm no good with words, you know this! Will! *winces as Will turns on heel and slams the door behind him* Tha's not good, is it?

    Elven: *shakes head sympathetically* 'Tis okay...

    Jack: *sighs* Anything you want to say to the author besides these 'humorous' rantings?

    Elven: Oh! You're right!

    Jack: -(*mutters*)- You don't have to sound so surprised...*grumbles*

    Elven: ANYWAYS! I really, Really, REALLY like the story! Such an amazing plot, and so original! I love the whole Angsty!Will and the whole Jack likes Will -that- way, but not Bill. I just always thought that Bill and Jack and then Jack and Will was a little TOO awkward...*sigh* Don't mind my rantings too much...*sighs again*

    Jack: OH, and she just wanted to say that she LOVES your story!

    Elven: *pushes Jack out of her chair in front of the computer* EXTREMELY!!!!! AHH! *squeals and faints again*

    Jack: And she -(*points to the prone Elven*)- wants you to update as soon as possible, savvy?

    Elven: And green is cool!

    Jack: O__o????

    Elven: She said that did the chapter in green pen...

    Jack: *falls down anime-style* Hopeless!

    Elven: *innocent expression like Will* What? Green is cool...*shrugs*

    Jack: Just finish it up...*sighs*

    Elven: Okay! ^__^

    I lurve it to death! And yes, I am very enthuasitic, but COME ON! It's an amazing story! I have REASON!




    ~Oh crap, you're going to try and cheer me up, aren't you?~
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  • From ANON - gact on January 16, 2004
    I like how your drawing out the revelation of Will's past. Your writing actually keeps me coming back, when I'd give up on a story and wait to skip ahead. The tension and emotion is great, keep it up. I can't wait for the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - PJ on January 15, 2004
    Cool I read the first parts this morning and whe when I came back there was an update that is so great. This is a good story I can't wait until Jack finds out about Will's injury *whatever it is* I have a pretty good idea. Well post more soon please
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  • From ANON - PJ on January 15, 2004
    Sounds interesting please update again soon.
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  • From ANON - ~SilentOne~ on January 14, 2004
    I felt that your writing was excellent in its vocabulary, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I do hope that you continue to write this because I am looking forward to reading more...

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  • From ANON - leann on January 14, 2004
    no you evil evil person. why do you leave it there? please post more soon!!! i'm an impatient kinda can't belpedlped
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  • From ANON - Lydia NightShade on January 13, 2004
    I feel so dumb when I read this story.

    Your vocabulary is insane! It's like watching a Woody Allen movie lol. But I'm still curious as to what's to become of the duo. What happened to Will, is he disfigured or worse. I don't know what else to say. I'm hooked!

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  • From ANON - Anon on January 13, 2004
    I'm intrigued, please continue. Demonic Jack is slightly frightening and OOC. Nonetheless, I would like to see where you're going with this.
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  • From ANON - Dushu Maxwell on January 12, 2004
    well done. I really would like to read more, since it appears you intendo too to more. Nicely done. Might have gone with more indepth paragraphs, but thats the college student in me speaking, as I have to write lots. But at least yours has meaning.. i usually bs my way through it unless its something I truley feel for, as it appears to be in this story. GREAT JOB..
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  • From ANON - Night on January 12, 2004
    Yay, he's back! I was hoping you'd bring him back! It's really really really well written! I love the plot, love the characters, and can't wait to hear more!! You will write some more, right?!!! Please!!! What happened to Will though!?!
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  • From ANON - ElvenEyes on January 12, 2004

    I LURVE IT!! GAH!!!

    *freaks out because it's so good*

    Is it possible that this is one of the coolest stories I've ever read...I THINK SO!!!! *squees and swoons*

    This is such a cool fic, and I realize that i'm starting to sound like a crazy fangirl, but I have to freak out else i lose my mind!!!



    Amazing, as usual I think.

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  • From ANON - Desertrain on January 12, 2004
    Hey! Another Chapter! It made me very happy to see this chapter up. Indeed, we all know who the blacksmith must be, what am am curious to is this: How didcomecome to this new island, when he is supposed to be dead? What WAS the bit sent in the jar to Port Royale? Hmmm. Something to keep me coming back...

    I hope to see more soon.

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  • From ANON - Jack4Turner on January 12, 2004
    Wow!!!! This story just keeps getting better and better. I must admit that when I saw that your story had killed off Will and it wasn't even started yet....I didn't plan on reading any see Jack is my favorite character though my pen name Jack4Turner might show that I'm also a big Will Turner fan well truth be told....I was born into the name Turner as it is my last name :) Anyways back to the review...I wasn't really sure that it would be good and all. Because its just so sad to read about Jack mopping around having lost young Will... But wow! Let me tell you when I came into this site looking for new/updated fanfics.l..I decieded to give your another chance....and wow!!!! YOur awesome....wish there was another chr upr up cause I'm going to dye of need between now and then!! i'm dying now to know what is going to happen next....Please hurry with your next posti..I ..I dying to know....HURRY HURRY HURRY!!!!!!



    Your newest fan!!!!

    Keep up the excellent work!
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  • From ANON - Jaimi on January 12, 2004
    Oi! As if you left it there. Puh-lease update soon. That was just too cruel.
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